Pint recalled: bottles can burst – naturopathy naturopathy portal

Zötler Russ’n Half: callback for beer mixed drink
The Bavarian Privat-Brauerei Zötler GmbH has initiated a recall for the product “Zötler Russ’n Half”. According to the brewery, the beer bottles could burst and result in injury.
The Privat-Brauerei Zötler GmbH from Rettenberg in the district of Oberallgäu (Bavaria) calls back a pint from their range. According to the company a risk of explosion in the case of the glass bottles.
Vital yeast cells in the bottles
The Zötler GmbH calls back a beer. Of the recall the product “Zötler Russ’n Half is affected,” as from a communication published by the Federal office for consumer protection and food safety (BVL) on its Portal “” shows.
“As part of our ongoing internal quality checks, we had to find that in the case of the production batch “Zötler Russ’n Half” can not be excluded with the date of minimum durability 02.01.2021 that in the bottle still vital yeast cells,” writes the brewery.
The information suggests that the possibility of secondary fermentation, which can lead to that in the bottle, an additional pressure builds up, the bottles may hold in the booth. In consequence, the beer bottles could burst and result in injury.
From the product itself, no danger goes out
According to the company, no risk of the product itself.
Customers who have purchased the product “Zötler Russ’n Half” with the MHD 02.01.2021 already, it is recommended to open the bottles with appropriate caution, to relieve pressure gently with a bottle opener (kitchen towel as a splitter protection to the bottles) and dispose of the contents.
These bottles can be exchanged free of charge at the beverage distributor in proper goods. (ad)