Infection outbreak in the hospital: next village in Thuringia breaks Corona-upper limit

The pandemic keeps Germany and the world continue to breath! Almost four million people have, until now, with the novel Virus-causative agent of Sars-CoV-2 infected – 169.376 of them in Germany.
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The Thuringian Landkreis Sonneberg is about the upper limit for Corona infections
In the district of Sonneberg in southern Thuringia, more than 50 Corona have been registered in the past seven days-new infections per 100 000 inhabitants. The value lay with the state Sunday morning (10.00 a.m.) to 66.7 infections, such as the speaker of the district administrative office, Michael people, told at the request of the German press Agency. Overall, up to this point, 155 infections in the district had been demonstrated.
The value of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week is regarded as an upper limit, above which the Federation and the Länder provide in the future, strict limitations to the containment of the pandemic in the Region in question.
People said about the Situation in the district of Sonneberg: “We are monitoring the situation very critical and verify, and in the framework of the new regulation and in the place where tougher measures.”
An infection focus was a hospital in sun mountain. Also, employees had become infected. In coordination with the hospital was there, so on Friday evening a temporary capture has been decided to stop. The emergency room was not affected. The treatment of critical and life-threatening cases would be ensured. But also outside of the hospital, there is new infections in the County, stressed people.
In Thuringia, next week will enter a new Corona-regulation in force, also provides for easing of restrictions. The plans that the municipalities will decide independently on further loosening of the Corona-restrictions.
74.4 new infections per 100 000 inhabitants in the district of Greiz, in Germany, the first Region, in which the officially critical value was exceeded. The rate for Greiz was on Sunday (as of 10: 00 a.m.) according to information provided by the Thuringian state Chancellery at $ 75.4.
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