Helpful Tips to Help you Teach Your Kids on How to Cope with the Changes Resulting from Quarantining

Families all over the world are adjusting to the developing changes incurred in their daily life due to the outbreak. Most of the schools, public spots, and nonessential businesses are shut, putting the parents and guardians in charge of helping their families change per the new routine. These tasks include attempting to keep children involved in something, feeling safe, and helping them in completing their daily homework.
These are not simple tasks, yet they fortify a feeling of control and provide reassurance to the kids that they are okay, and things will get back to normal soon. The recent outbreak has neared children with their parents. This is an enormous opportunity for elders to assist them by teaching critical thinking, flexibility, along with compassion, balancing work, and adjusting schedules. The following tips might help the elders in teaching their kids these life hacks.
Offer Reassurances
A parent should be a role model for their children as they learn by example. It is mandatory that you discuss with your children the impact of coronavirus on the world. Keep in mind that how you talk about the virus affects your child’s level of fear. Remind them that they are healthy, and you’ll do everything to keep it that way. Pay close attention to their response and ask them to write how they feel about the ongoing events. You must always respond with reassurance and truth.
Demonstrate essentials
Kids typically don’t understand when parents stop them from doing some things. The same is the case with today’s events. Children don’t fully understand why their parents are preventing them from meeting their friends outside.
Explain to your off-springs that you are following the guidelines issued by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) that includes keeping yourself at a safe distance from others. Demonstrate that you have to follow these guidelines to stay safe from catching the virus. Also, tell them that by doing this, they will not only keep them safe but will not be a cause of spread. If possible, show them “flatten the curve” charts.
Stay productive
Make family time as fun as possible. Start some family projects with the kids. Include them in doing experiments in the kitchen, in the garden, and even start painting with them. This will assure your child that how much you are interested in them.
Allow your elder children to do virtual meetups with their friends. Identify productive projects, like writing a letter to next-door neighbors or health care department workers. Ask your kids to record and post positive messages over social media. You must offer your child lots of love and affection, especially now when things are unpredictable.
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