Söder wants Corona-Tests for each – Spahn does not fit the

The Covid-19-pandemic keeps the world in breath. More than 10 million people have been infected so far worldwide, with the novel Coronavirus, 193.506 in Germany – where it always comes back to local outbreaks.
Covid-19-News from Germany and around the world – the top stories: Corona-dark figure: Now want doctors from the Bundesliga to learn (6.35 PM), WHO reports Negative once again-a record – 189.000 Corona new infections in a day (22.38 PM)
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Söder wants Corona-Tests for each – Spahn does not fit the
Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) has criticized the proposed deal by Corona-Tests for everyone in Bavaria. "Just a lot of testing sounds good, but without a systematic approach not zielführend", he wrote on Monday on Twitter. "Because it weighs a false sense of security, increases the risk of false-positive results and charged to the existing test capacity."
Bayern had announced, as the first state Corona to allow testing for all – also for people without symptoms and without a particularly high risk of infection. The country takes over the costs, which are not covered by medical insurance.
Spahn said: "Test, test, test – but in a targeted manner." This corresponds to the with the Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) developed national testing strategy. "This includes a comprehensive preventive Testing and health care and in local outbreaks, as in Gütersloh." Also as in North Rhine-Westphalia, in the battle of the week stations twice to test, have a sense.
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