Researchers explain, where people are infected most commonly with Corona

The Corona curve bends upwards. In Germany, more and more people with Sars-CoV have been infected again-2. The biggest part has been infected in this country. The Problem: The situation is diffuse and is not limited to Hotspots.
The view of the map shows that The Covid-19-activity colored in a district of deep red (Dingolfing-Landau), two more circles of orange (Hof, Weimar). Many yellow and light yellow stains come. The darker the colour, the more Covid-19 cases were reported from the counties for the last seven days at the Robert Koch-Institute (RKI).
Management report RKI 28.07.20 To the RKI transmitted Covid-19 cases in the last 7 days in Germany to a circle and the state (n=3. 611, 28.07.2020, 0:00 PM). The cases are reported to the circle from which they were transmitted. This usually corresponds to the place of residence. Place of residence and likely site of Infection do not need to match.
The looks on the first glance, not a threat. But on second glance, it shows what is currently the risk: There is a nationwide many of the small outbreak happened in different counties, with different situations in context.
Covid-19: Here, the people in Germany put
Since the large outbreak in the Slaughterhouse Tönnies has changed: The increasing numbers of cases reflect a Germany-wide Events. The pandemic expert and head of the Department Surveillance at the RKI, Ute Rexrodt, called the position “diffuse”. “It really affected unfortunately many,” says Rexrodt. The case numbers are rising in different municipalities. Transfers there is “really everywhere”. As the infection places RKI is called the:
- Job
- The old – and nursing homes
- Leisure activities
- Shared Accommodations, Refugee Facilities
- Health facilities
- larger celebrations in the family and in the circle of friends
- Nursery
- religious communities
Due to the wide distribution, it is clearly more difficult cases to track and contain the Virus. Also, of course, travel returnees were among the new infections are among. But, says Rexrodt, “the biggest part was in Germany”.
The current developments in the Corona of a pandemic you will find in the Live Ticker of FOCUS Online.
After Germany Institute follow in the table of the Robert-Koch-possible infection countries of submitted cases: Kosovo, Serbia, Turkey.
These are the 15 most frequently mentioned infection countries of the transmitted Covid-19-cases, week 27 – 30 (multiple answers possible):
Management report RKI 28.07.20 The 15 most frequently mentioned infection countries of the transmitted Covid-19-cases, week 27 – 30 (multiple answers possible), 28.07.2020, 00:00.
Experts warn of danger more seriously
The small outbreaks in the whole of Germany more often, considered RKI-chief Lothar Wieler with “great concern”: We have to prevent that the Virus is spreading again in an uncontrolled manner.
“The percentage increase in the past few days, not only from each of the larger local outbreaks, but from infections in various corners, is not a fire hazard“, is also the infection Loge, Gerd Fätkenheuer in conversation with the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger” is concerned.
The researchers observed a decreased risk awareness in the population. “What is going on currently in the heads” is a big risk, says the researchers from the University hospital of Cologne. The people felt today is much safer than a quarter of a year. “With the strong decline in the Numbers of the hazards of the Virus are no longer perceived, in due degree.”
Similar to the virologist Alexander Kekulé in his MDR-Podcast: “I’m afraid not actually, if we get the psychological grip that we lose control.” We have developed in Germany, which half the world envy. But “a small part of the population is transferred into the in spite of phase” and would not want to have “the Problem, simply true.”
Covid-19: What are the people infected in Germany
With the relaxations of the relaxed way of dealing with hygiene rules came in many. Since the beginning of July, the case number is steadily increasing. The 7-days-R-value since mid-July, 2020 in the case of 1 or slightly above. Of the to the RKI transmitted cases, 51 percent are female and 49 percent male. Overall, the cases for which information on age and sex are available:
- 5878 children under 10 years of age (2.9 percent),
- 10.631 children and young people aged 10 to 19 years of age (5.2 percent),
- 91.660 persons aged 20 to 49 years (44 percent),
- 61.325 persons aged 50 to 69 years (30 percent),
- 30.819 people aged 70 to 89 years of age (15 percent), and
- 5429 persons aged 90 years and older (2.6 percent).
In the case of 500 people, the age and/or gender are unknown, writes to the RKI in the current management report. The average age was 48 years. The highest incidences were in the age groups of 90 years.
In three counties, an increased incidence with more than 25 cases / 100,000 inhabitants is: the district of Hof and the land of rice, Dingolfing-Landau and the district of Weimar.
In the district of Dingolfing-Landau (Bavaria, Germany) was determined by a 7-day incidence with more than 100 cases/100,000 inhabitants. The increase is attributable to an outbreak among Harvest workers on a farm in the municipality of Palazzo mamming due. In a company with more than 450 employees were identified in a series of studies more than 150 Sars-CoV-2 infections. It was ordered a quarantine for the entire operation. The local population (3300 inhabitants) will be offered voluntary testing in a mobile testing tent.
In the district court a high level of 7-days was observed in the incidence with more than 35 cases/ 100,000 inhabitants. For this purpose, several outbreak events are responsible. An outbreak in a large family affects several families in the surrounding towns.
In the case of a further outbreak is a province-wide Events, following a family celebrationin which people from the district of Weimar in Thuringia are affected. Together with a further family-related outbreak this explains the increase in the incidence of more than 25 cases/ 100,000 inhabitants in Weimar. Due to the overall, ongoing environmental surveys, with further cases expected.
Covid-19-management report of 28.07.2020
The second wave begins?
Whether it was the beginning of a possible second wave, not could, you know, said RKI-chief Lothar Wieler, but it could. The health authorities should no longer be able to keep track of the cases, sees a virologist Kekulé also the danger of a second wave.
The talk of a “second wave” rejects Fätkenheuer, has significantly contributed to the development of the Covid-19-drug Remdesivir,. “The word wave sounds like something Fateful, which we can escape, maybe we can’t influence.” The no longer meet the current Situation.
“If you let things go, the situation is uncontrollable.”
Gerd Fätkenheuer
“The pandemic is not coming back, she’s there. We were, and are, in one and the same pandemic, we have sometimes better, sometimes worse in the handle. The risk is definitely there. And we need to be very careful not to run, at the latest, after the end of the summer, with falling temperatures and the shift of social life in closed premises in a Situation that is worse than in March and April,“ further warns Fätkenheuer. “If you things to run, will the situation spin out of control.”
This was the bitter lesson and at the same time, the urgent warning from the comparison with the United States. “We have achieved a lot, but we can squander what has been Achieved and our edge also. And then it will be extremely difficult to counteract. Also this can be seen especially well in the United States.“ The infection happen to keep a handle on is still possible, if all the safeguards are consistently adhered to.
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