Opticians warns that Brits working from home are at risk of 'porn eye'

You’re reading this on a screen aren’t you? (well of course you are, there is no other way).

With the coronavirus pandemic, many of us are working from home which means a reliance on technology than ever before.

In our downtime, we also pick up our phones, laptops, and tablets to enjoy whatever we like which, let’s be honest, sometimes includes porn.

That’s a lot of screen time.

One optician has labelled the term ‘porn eye’ to mean a ‘generation who are living out their lives on smartphones and thereby damaging their sight’.

Tom Broughton from spectacle brand Cubitts is encouraging adults to give their eyes a rest from non-stop screen-time.

He said: ‘Porn eye is a condition which puts undue stress and tension on eyes through continuous mobile phone viewing.

‘Watching adult material on a smart-phone is not going to help your eyesight; you are looking at tiny images and sometimes the video quality can be poor, which leaves you straining your eyes.’

He continued: ‘There’s a joke about a certain physical activity making you blind, but we want to make the serious point that as the nation adjusts to home office life, we’ll undoubtedly be more reliant on screens more than ever before.

‘So it is more important than ever that we look after our eyeballs.

‘We as adults know that sometimes some light relief will help us get through a stressful time, but let us not make it detrimental to our vision.’

How to clean your glasses:

Senior Cubitts optometrist Betony Spall said: ‘We blink up to five times less than normal when in front of a screen, which can result in dry, sore eyes, variability in vision and some watering.

‘Try to apply the 20-20-20 method: for every 20 minutes in front of a screen, take a 20-second break, and look out at an object 20 feet away.’

Go on, try it out.

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