High blood pressure – the type of cheese you should avoid or risk deadly hypertension

High blood pressure is a common condition that affects more than a quarter of all adults in the UK. But, you could lower your risk of developing hypertension by avoiding Roquefort cheese, it’s been claimed.
High blood pressure – which is also known as hypertension – puts extra stress on blood vessels and vital organs.
The condition could lead to some deadly complications, including strokes and heart attacks.
It could be caused by eating an unhealthy diet, or by not doing enough exercise.
You may be at risk of high blood pressure if you regularly eat Roquefort cheese, it’s been revealed.
Roquefort is high in salt, which contributes to hypertension.
A single 28g portion of the cheese is more than a fifth of your recommended daily allowance of sodium.
Sodium is one of the worst culprits for raising blood pressure.
It makes the body retain water. This extra water subsequently increases the risk of hypertension.
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“It is important to be aware of foods that are more likely to affect our blood pressure in a negative way,” said the Edison Institute of Nutrition.
“Dairy – before you go stock up on a bunch of solidified cow juice, consider the following facts about cheese and its heart-harming saltiness.
“Roquefort cheese, as delicious as it may be, contains 507mg [21 percent of your recommended daily intake] of sodium per 28g serving.
“The next time you’re deciding which cheese is best, go for grilled cheese and keep those numbers in mind.”
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Everyone should aim to eat no more than 6g of salt in a single day – the equivalent to around a teaspoon.
The average person, however, consumes about 8g of salt everyday.
You should avoid adding extra salt to your cooking, and look-out for low-sodium ingredients.
It’s also critical that you check food labels to gauge how much salt you’re eating.
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High blood pressure is often known as ‘the silent killer’, because symptoms only tend to reveal themselves if you have extremely high blood pressure.
The most common high blood pressure symptoms include a pounding in your chest, finding blood in your urine, and severe headaches.
It’s crucial that all adults over 40 years old check their blood pressure at least once every five years.
You can check your blood pressure by visiting your local doctors’ surgery or pharmacy.
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