Heart attack: The mouth-watering hot drink which could reduce risk of the deadly condition

What's the difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest?

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A heart attack, also called a myocardial infarction, happens when a part of the heart muscle doesn’t get enough blood. The more time that passes without treatment to restore blood flow, the greater the damage to the heart muscle. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the main cause of heart attack. A delicious drink known to warm the cockles which drunk in moderation could help to reduce your risk of the potentially life-threatening condition.

In a small study carried out at Dusseldorf University in Germany of 100 investigated healthy adults who were aged between 35 and 60 analysed how hot chocolate could impact a person’s risk of having a heart attack.

Researchers gave half the participants drinks containing flavanols from cocoa.

The other half were given a similar drink without the flavanols. The drink was a fruit-flavoured powdered drink containing 450mg of flavanols, which was consumed twice a day for a month. 

The researchers found people who had the flavanol drink had lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels and less arterial stiffness than the control group.

The study’s authors say that this would lead to a lower risk of coronary heart disease, including heart attack and cardiovascular disease.

The study concluded that substances found in cocoa, fruit and tea could help healthy people keep their heart and circulation in good working order as they get older.

Researchers also noted that blood vessels were able to function better during moments of mental stress when people sipped on a cocoa drink that was rich in flavanols.

Cocoa appears to have a positive effect on the thin membrane of cells known as the endothelium that line the heart and blood vessels.

When the endothelium is at optimal performance, it can help reduce the risk of peripheral vascular disease, stroke, heart disease, diabetes, kidney failure, tumour growth, thrombosis, and even severe viral infectious diseases.

Tracy Parker, British Heart Foundation dietitian, said: “Flavanols have been shown to have a benefit to the heart.

“However, fruit and vegetables, such as dark green vegetables, berries and beetroot are also a source of these compounds.

“In addition to this, fruit and vegetables provide us with a range of other vitamins, minerals and fibre and should form a core part of a balanced, healthy diet.

“This is consistent with our whole diet approach to healthy eating which emphasises the importance of balance and consumption of a range of foods rather than individual nutrients or ingredients.” 

Symptoms of a heart attack may include:

  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Feeling weak, light-headed, or faint
  • Nausea
  • Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, or back
  • Sweating for no apparent reason
  • Pain or discomfort in one or both arms or shoulders
  • Shortness of breath.

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