Coronavirus: a majority of the population mask duty – natural healing supports customer naturopathy specialist portal

Coronavirus: mask duty in the broad consent
In the meantime, it was decided in all Federal States, a so-called mask of duty, the spread of the Coronavirus to contain more. Surveys have shown that the majority of the population considers the Wearing of a mouth-nose cover is appropriate.
All States have made the Wearing of a mouth-nose protection in public transport and most of the time when shopping to the duty. Anyone who does not adhere to the mask of duty, must reckon with high fines. But probably most people will abide by the rules. Because surveys have shown that the majority of the population is in favour of the Wearing of protective masks.
Six of the seven respondents measure consider appropriate
According to a recent communication from the Federal government, the Wearing of so-called non-medical everyday life, masks may reduce in accordance with the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the risk of infections.
“In particular, they protect the other, if the carrier should be infected with the Coronavirus. Nevertheless, the mouth-nose cover applied only as additional protection and to replace other measures, emphasizes the RKI“, and more.
In the meantime, the Wearing of a protective mask has become nationwide and in many places mandatory or strongly recommended. The “BfR-Corona-Monitor”, a periodic survey of the Federal Institute for risk assessment (BfR), shows that six out of seven respondents (86 percent) think that the measure is appropriate.
In addition, a third of the respondents indicated to wear protective clothing such as face masks or gloves. “The majority of the population is in favour of a mask of duty, shows that the threat posed by the novel Coronavirus is still taken very seriously”, says BfR President Professor Dr. Dr. Andreas Hensel, according to a message.
Protect themselves from infection
The BfR according to four take a total of five persons measures in order to protect yourself or your family from the risk of infection with the novel Coronavirus. The respondents most frequently mentioned measure, the Shunning of the Public (46 percent) is still.
To use while in the first survey four weeks ago, only six per cent data, masks, or gloves, increased this to 33 per cent, and thus represents the second most frequently mentioned method of protection.
In spite of the rapidly changing information available, the proportion of people who feel good about the pandemic informed is, since the start of the survey four weeks ago, constant at about 70 percent. The respondents, as before television and the Internet as the most common sources of information.
Compared to the previous week, the importance of personal contacts has grown stronger: While a week ago, two percent of the respondents indicated to be informed of the private environment to the Coronavirus, the share this week, at nine percent.
Largely unchanged, the assessment of the extent to which the Coronavirus affects the health or the economic Situation of the respondents, however, remained. Persons under 60 years of age feel stronger than Older ones of the economic impact of the Coronavirus pandemic affected.
Significant differences in the reasons for the mask in use
The University of Trier, has carried out a survey on the acceptance of masks and found that the more stringent obligations, which take effect next week in Germany, not a surprising change in the attitude of the population to mask.
How is the Uni in a message, writes that the survey showed significant differences in the reasons for the mask in use. For young people under the age of 25 plays, therefore, it is hardly a matter that she can protect others with it.
Older both self-protection as well as the impression you make with masks on fellow human beings is, however, rather matter. Women can hardly be by reference to the protection of other convince, to reach for the mask. Men a areas, however, the self-protection is not a priority. In addition, the survey showed that people would use with, higher education is more of a mask.
Tightening would endanger acceptance
For the policy of the economist Professor Marc Oliver Rieger, University of Trier, from the survey derives results that a tightening of the mask of duty, for example, on the road, it could endanger the acceptance rather.
According to the message, rather, a target group oriented approach would increase the approval likely. Young people could, for example, through popular role models to the mask wear motivate. In addition, you should be of the fear, to mask “wrong” is viewed. In relation to young people and women the self-protection should be emphasized function and in men of note on the protection of others.
The information suggests that the study achieved the number of respondents (274) is not a representative level.
“However, we have no reason to believe that our key would not be results on a more representative sample of the population, and on other, comparable countries. The results seem to be very robust. Further studies are however required,“ said Professor Marc Oliver Rieger. (ad)