Chronic back pain: Why are some people more vulnerable than others? – Naturopathy Naturopathy Specialist Portal

Permanent back pain: Psyche plays a crucial role
Back pain probably knows every person. The majority of the Affected the discomfort will pass within a few weeks. However, some of the pain last longer and become chronic. Some people are more vulnerable than others.
According to the experts, almost 80 percent of all Germans suffer pain from time to time under back. For many of them the pain is chronic. The life of those Affected is greatly compromised. In a communication from the Ruhr-University of Bochum (RUB) is explained, plays to the Psyche of a critical role of acute pain continued to be.
Also a psychological phenomenon
At around 35 to 40 percent of all back pain, and patients, the complaints of patients. The way the pain felt and how much they affect the result of the own life, however, can be different for everyone.
Prof. Dr. Monika Bunny get engaged for a long time with the question, what is the significance of the individual pain processing to the development of chronic complaints.
The head of the Department for medical psychology and medical sociology, Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB) knows that these are not purely medical, but also a psychological phenomenon.
Different Risk Groups
The expert has already developed a model of pain processing, in the case of the patients to be able to assign one of four risk groups. This model will help in appropriate diagnosis and forms of therapy in the different risk groups.
As the communication explains, the first group is very anxious to pain, and suggests it is typically as a Symptom of a serious disease.
In consequence these individuals avoid all possible situations that might trigger the pain. Inactivity and muscle possible consequences, the pain and the negative mood in a way that favors weakness.
Slogans the discomfort to worsen
To the second group of people, the pain – both mentally as well as in your behavior. They force themselves with guiding principles such as “don’t” or “don’t Think about the pain” to keep on.
According to the RUB-a strategy that has an absolutely positive, because these persons no relaxation conveyor in a set breaks. So it can come here to the pain.
In the third group of patients, which can distract you from the pain found. These people manage to maintain a positive atmosphere. Because you tend not to preserve your body, it also often leads to a worsening of the complaints.
Right Balance be found
Only those Concerned that the fourth group, create it by their attitude and their behavior to reduce their pain.
“These people react very flexibly to the pain,” says Monika hare bring. “You find a Balance between Loading and discharge, and not a set time pauses, avoiding movements,” explains the scientist.
Back pain also learning at performance sports
Wife Bunny get busy with the question of whether this model is also applicable to athletes, and athletes with back pain.
In the framework of the Federal interdisciplinary research network Medicine in Spine Exercise, which has been promoted under the Label of “get back” by the Federal Institute for sport science, compared the scholar data from the General population with those of 200 athletes and sports, and the details of suffering from back pain.
The result of the interviews: Although you might think that athletes and power athletes have a special relationship to your body, you are in terms of their risk factors for the chronification of low back the General population is very similar to the pain and fit in the same model.
“Our findings can help the Affected, because the cognitive attitude to the pain is something we can change through psychotherapy,” said Bunny to bring.
“If we can make the patients to know the cycle of thoughts and Pain you are in, we can present you with solutions to better deal with the Situation.” (ad)