Abdominal fat: body weight and fat distribution in the brain – Naturopathic naturopathy expert portal

Insulin sensitivity of the brain determines where the fat deposited in the body when

In many scientific studies it could be shown that being fat is unhealthy. If you are Overweight, it depends on the fat distribution. According to experts, the abdominal circumference is crucial for the health risk. In a long-term study has now shown, such as body weight and fat distribution are to be determined.

Being overweight can promote diseases. The belly fat is particularly dangerous. It promotes the risk for cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension as well as metabolic disorders such as Diabetes. Researchers now report how body weight and fat distribution are to be determined.

If the brain is sensitive to Insulin

Where body fat accumulates and how strong it benefits from a lifestyle Intervention, depends on the Insulin sensitivity of the brain, explains the German center for diabetes research (DZD) in a recent communication.

The brain is sensitive to the hormone, you pick a lot of weight, reducing unhealthy belly fat and can also keep long-term weight. The brain responds little or not at all to Insulin, you can lose only at the beginning of the action some weight and then picks up again. The visceral fat increases also in the long term.

The results of a long-term study of the DZD, which has now been published in the journal “Nature Communications” are.

Belly fat is particularly unfavourable

How unhealthy the body is fat, depends, in particular, where it is stored. If fat in the belly and attaches itself, is the particularly unfavourable.

Because the visceral fat releases numerous neurotransmitters, which impact, among other things, a negative impact on the blood pressure, the release of the hormone Insulin affect and inflammation can trigger. This increases the risk for Diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and certain types of cancer.

The subcutaneous fat (subcutaneous fat), the thighs, the Butt, bust and hips and attaches itself, on the other hand has no known negative health effects.

So far it is unclear why fat storage takes place for all people in the same place. According to the DZD indicated investigations in the tübingen-based life style intervention program to the fact that the effect of insulin in the brain could play an important role here.

They showed that individuals with a high Insulin sensitivity in the brain much more of a lifestyle Intervention with a high-fiber diet and exercise benefit people with Insulin resistance in the brain.

The brain is sensitive to the hormone, not lost on the body weight, but also had a healthier fat distribution.

Some people benefit from a lifestyle Intervention

But how is Insulin sensitivity affected in the long term, on the distribution of body fat and the weight? This is the question scientists of the DZD, the Helmholtz Zentrum München and the University hospital of Tübingen in a long-term study.

The researchers collected indoor and scientists over a period of nine years, the Follow-up data of 15 Participants, in which before the beginning of a 24-month Lifestyle Intervention on Insulin sensitivity in the brain by Magnetoencephalography was determined.

According to the figures available showed that insulin action in the brain controls not only body weight, but also the distribution of fat in the body.

“Subjects with high Insulin sensitivity in the brain benefited from the life-style Intervention with a pronounced reduction of the weight and the visceral adipose tissue. Even after the end of the life-style Intervention, they camped during the nine-year follow-up only a little fat mass,“ said the head of the study Prof. Dr. Martin Heni from the University hospital of Tübingen.

In contrast, people with Insulin resistance in the brain showed only in the first nine months of the program, a slight weight loss. “After that, the body weight and visceral fat increased during the following months of lifestyle Intervention,” explains first author Dr. Stephanie Kullmann.

No influence on the mass of the subcutaneous adipose tissue

Because the effect of insulin in the Hypothalamus is crucial for the Regulation of peripheral energy metabolism, tested by the researchers also, such as the Insulin-sensitivity in this region of the brain depends on the area with the distribution of body fat together.

The experts examined a cross-sectional cohort of 112 Participants. The analysis of the data showed that people with high Insulin sensitivity in the Hypothalamus to form little visceral fat tissue. On the mass of the subcutaneous adipose tissue in the Insulin-sensitivity but no effect.

“Our study shows a new mechanism that controls the distribution of fat in humans. The Insulin sensitivity in the brain determines where the fat is accumulated,“ explained Heni.

Because visceral fat is not only in the pathogenesis of type 2 Diabetes a role, but also the risk for cardiovascular disease and cancer increases, can open up the results of the study, perhaps also to new approaches for therapy options about metabolic diseases and beyond.

The researchers in Tübingen are working on new therapies to Insulin-lift resistance in the brain and so the body fat to influence the distribution of cheap. (ad)