Would you donate your body to medical science?

Body donation after death is an important resource for training healthcare professionals and providing valuable research into disease – but would you donate your body to medical science?
In the UK, around 1,300 donated bodies are accepted by medical schools every year, to help medical and health professional students understand the arrangement of the human body.
While a textbook or virtual app can show the pattern of muscles, nerves, arteries and veins, the real-life learning experience is important in enabling healthcare professionals to deliver high-quality diagnosis and treatment.
Deceased donors are also used in research to study diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, while surgeons use corpses to refine new procedures like face transplants.
But most importantly, cadavers help doctors stay current with the advancements that result from innovative medical breakthroughs.
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The biggest drawback of donating your body is that your family cannot have a service with the body present, instead many opt for a memorial service without a viewing.
Donating your body is a very noble gesture and one of the ways to help further medical research, so would you consider donating yours? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
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