Why you should always wear sunscreen on the plane, according to a dermatologist

That’s right, you don’t need to be outside to be at risk of sun damage.
Flight attendants and dermatologists alike agree people should be wearing SPF on planes – just like they should be wearing it everyday as a matter of routine anyway.
But the reason for wearing it while up in the clouds is because UV rays on planes are more intense than on land.
The Points Guy, a travel tip site, shared this happens because you’re closer to the ozone layer.
Dermatologist Dr Joyce Park also gives this advice, having shared in a TikTok: ‘You should ABSOLUTELY wear sunscreen on airplanes or keep windows shut.’
Let’s talk about airplane ✈️ skin care! Today I am just covering INCREASED exposure to UV radiation in the plane. A research study in JAMA DERM from 2015 measured amount of UV radiation in airplane cockpits during flight and compared them to UVA carcinogenic affective doses in tanning beds. Turns out you get a heck of a lot of UV exposure as a pilot. When we’re sitting in the back, make sure to wear sunscreen or keep your window shut to reduce exposure to UVA during your flight. After all, you don’t want 1/2 of your face getting more sun ☀️ damage than the other! The more you know! Sources in comments #dermatologylesson #dermbypark #airplaneskincare #sunscreen #melanoma #inflightskincare
She said a study found being in the cockpit for just under an hour does the same damage as a 20-minute tanning bed session.
Windows only block UVB, not UVA – both types are damaging to us. UVB can lead to burns, and UVA leads to skin ageing, but both are linked to cancer.
Someone commented on her video: ‘I was a flight attendant for two years and ended up with stage iv melanoma, can confirm.’
Those sitting in window seats or working on planes need to protect themselves with SPF and wearing clothes that cover their skin.
Another person added: ‘I’m flight crew and I recommend wearing long sleeves! Don’t forget to put sunscreen on your hands.’
‘I’m a pilot and I haven’t left my house without 70spf on my face in over three years,’ another comment read.
You know what to do – lather up.
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