‘What Planet Can I Blame for This?’ Your Guide to Astrology & the Vibes for January 2023

Happy New Year — and happy new era! As we clean up the confetti and champagne and get ready to tackle our 2023 resolutions, the cosmos are doing their own reset this year. That’s right, according to author and astrologer Desiree Roby Antila, we are potentially moving into the Age of Aquarius!
“The biggest transit of 2023 is Pluto moving into Aquarius,” she tells SheKnows. “Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 and only changes signs once every generation. This is the beginning of a new era and what some believe to be the true Age of Aquarius.” Additionally, Saturn, the planet of collective structure and tradition, will also be making a big shift from Aquarius – where it’s been since 2020 – to Pisces. Saturn typically wants to know what we are doing with our lives, so as it heads into the dreamy and spiritual Pisces sign, expect some big questions as we allow for some deeper meaning.
“Overall, it will be a year of major change,” Antila says. “It could even be the beginning of the shift we have all been waiting for.”
Here’s what else we can expect from the stars in January.
Try friends first
Venus, the planet of love, moves in Aquarius, the quirky, aloof air sign, on January 2nd. So, as Antila puts it, expect relationships to take a turn for the unconventional. And since Aquarius rules technology, she also says that will help give the online dating world “a boost of morale.” So if you haven’t been on the apps for a while, now might be the perfect time. But don’t move too soon with all the lovey-dovey gestures. “Aquarius prizes friendship over anything in love,” Antila says. “So this is a great time to connect with your lover through being one another’s BFFs.”
Cleanse your home and the past
The first full moon of 2023 is January 6th in Cancer will hit us in the feels, says Antila. And thanks to Mercury retrograding in Capricorn, which is opposing this moon, you will especially be pulled towards ones we care deeply for. “If someone from the past crosses your mind, reach out to them if it feels right,” Antila says. “This is a great time to cleanse and clear your home for the new year. Making a delicious and wholesome meal will also be healing under these moonbeams. Think cozy.”
Time to get movin’ and groovin’
Mars, the planet of action, goes direct on Jan 12 to which Antila says: “Can I get an amen?”
“Mars finally moves direct after tearing backwards through Gemini since October 30. Now we can all take a deep breath as the resistance and energetical slow down dissipates,” Antila explains. “As Mars resumes direct, we can pick up where we left off as the red planet will spend a total of seven months in this sign until it leaves on March 25.” Meaning if there has been something on stall, Antila says it will finally begin to take flight. “All of us will be getting a major energy boost!”
Additionally, when Mercury goes direct on January 18, we will also feel better equipped to tackle projects that took a backseat since Mercury went retrograde on December 29. “As the planet of communication and technology corrects its course, we will all begin to feel some reprieve,” Antila says. “If something in your career has been stalled, you will finally see it moving ahead. Mercury moves into Aquarius on February 11, so use this short time to ask for that raise, raise your rates, or make those career goals you have been thinking of.”
Let love flow in
Venus leaves aloof Aquarius and enters the dreamy and romantic sign of Pisces. This shift, says Antila, allows our love life to be more fluid and freer without the structure Saturn requires. “This is our time to connect with our heart and let it breathe its truth through love and dreams,” she explains. “This transit can sooth any irritations that were made by using your ingenuity. This time is sensual and deeply healing for love. Reality seems mystified, so do not forget to come up for a breath of fresh air.”
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