Two ‘worst foods’ you could have for blood clots, according to expert

British Heart Foundation: Understanding blood clots
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In the UK, venous thrombosis is a common condition that occurs in roughly one in every 1,000 of the population each year. More than half of global blood clot cases occur within 90 days of hospital discharge, but some cases are linked to poor lifestyles. The same foods responsible for venous diseases can also significantly raise the likelihood of deep vein thrombosis. According to one expert, two dietary sources may be worse than others.
According to the North American Thrombosis Forum, there are many different theories about the connection between inflammation, food and thrombotic events.
Some medical journals like the British Journal of Haematology, state that “inflammation initiates clotting”.
More specifically, inflammatory cytokines may be key mediators in blood coagulation that decrease the activity of natural anticoagulant mechanisms.
Doctor Ariush Mozaffarian, Dean of Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, told the North American Thrombosis Forum: “Inflammation is a complication and there are multiple pathways that are relevant.
“I think that a lot of this is still in the area that I would call ‘emerging research’. There’s not a lot that is definitive.
“We know poor nutrition overall causes metabolic dysfunction, in particular insulin resistance, and ultimately, obesity.
“Those are major pathways for active inflammation. Similarly, a good diet can improve metabolic risk and desperately lead to weight loss, which can dramatically improve inflammation.”
According to Dr Mozaffarian, the main foods to avoid are those packed with starch, sugar and salt.
The North American Thrombosis Forum states that “the worst foods you can have” are soda and candy, according to Dr Mozaffarian.
The expert explained: “There’s no reason to have soda.
“If people want a sweet, have a little bit of ice or dark chocolate, nuts covered in honey, fruits, or any food that has some nutritional value.”
Fizzy drinks contain high levels of sugar, which cause abnormalities in the process of coagulation.
Not only do high glucose levels lead to increased stimulation which results in blood clot formation, but they also hinder the ability of blood clots to dissolve.
Candied sweets, on the other hand, are among the same foods that contribute to an excess buildup of plaque in blood vessels.
When plaque formations become brittle or inflammation, they can rupture, and trigger a blood clot.
How to avoid blood clots
Some of the best foods to beat inflammation are in the Mediterranean diet, which mimics the natural diets of people who live along the Mediterranean Sea.
It emphasises plant-based foods rich in fibre and consists mainly of vegetables, fruit, wholegrain, legumes and nuts.
The fats in the diet are also from healthy sources like olive and canola oil, which don’t contribute to clogging of the arteries.
In the Mediterranean diet, red meat is consumed no more than a few times per month, and fish and poultry are eaten at least twice a week.
“The diet also encourages a lot of exercise and supports drinking red wine in moderation,” adds the North American Thrombosis Forum.
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