Top virologist Drosten’s called hoarding nonsense, and warns of draught beer

Most schools and kindergartens remain in Germany starting next week closed numerous large-scale events – including football games have been cancelled until further notice. In the new NDR Podcast of the virologist Christian Drosten of the Berlin Charité hospital explains why you should in a restaurant, think twice, he drinks not a draught beer and hamster purchases are pointless.
More and more people are being infected with the Coronavirus. In Germany, more than 3000 people are currently been tested positive for the pathogen. This has consequences: in order To curb the outbreak of the Virus, it will always be canceled more large-scale events, including the Leipzig book fair or the numerous football games. Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) said on Friday at a press conference at all of which to approve in the free state, only Events with a maximum of 100 participants.
All current developments to the Coronavirus outbreak you can read here.
Christian Drosten, a virologist at Berlin’s Charité, manifests itself daily in a 30-minute Podcast in the NDR to the corona of a crisis. In the current Talk, he also talks about the limitations people expect in this country with a view to their social contacts. At the beginning of the podcast, he points out that we should cease to look abroad. "So slowly we are in the Situation that the Virus in the environment ist", says Drosten. Now it makes sense about behavior changes thinking.
Virologist urges beer from the bottle – and glasses of Virus is transmitted
“You have to consider whether they can meet friends in the pub or at home,” explains the virologist. Thus, he did not want to say, however, that you should stop meeting up with friends. You should be aware, however, that you’ll be in a restaurant with several hundred people in touch. In this context, Drosten also addresses a very practical aspect: The evening beer in the Restaurant.
The virologist self-always order beer from the bottle and not the glass. "The beer glasses we all know, are drawn in these pubs times through the water. But how much detergent is in there, you don’t want to hinterfragen"’t exactly;, he describes. This way the Virus will be transferred – therefore, he even see out of draught beer.
With a view to large-scale events, Drosten says: it is not necessary To assume that behind every corner the next Infected. Nevertheless, you should think about whether you had to go today or tomorrow to attend a big event. To be as a private person the sense behind the questions. "I don’t want to say, there must be absolute panic Mr and if you have theatre tickets for 50 Euro, then you should nutzen" not;, the virologist explains.
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Drosten: "The complete nonsense, with some stock that is not perishable ist" addresses;
The fear of a possible quarantine has led abroad, but also here in Germany some people to panic buying. Especially the shelves with noodles, toilet paper or disinfectant, were recently cleared in some supermarkets empty. Some fear, with a view to the cancellation of major events even before the daily shopping: to get Out of custody, with too many other people in contact with the Coronavirus to infect. Gao Jing/XinHua/Reuters
Virologist Drosten has a clear opinion: “of Course, you can now go shopping in the supermarket. And of course it is complete nonsense, with something stock, which is not perishable,“ he says. A ban on food supplies or shops there, you could have everything in the hand as before. There is no reason for hoarding.
Top virologist: "We need to einschließen" not from today to tomorrow at home;
Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia have banned as the first German Federal States visits to nursing homes to protect the elderly, sick people in front of a potential Corona infection. Also a virologist, Drosten says, you should refrain from to visit grandma and grandpa, if you have symptoms. Nevertheless, he emphasized: “We do not need to include from today to tomorrow." In the next few weeks and months, each Individual will need to try out, where he wanted to change his behavior in everyday life, and where not.
Also on hygiene measures and the dissemination mode of the Coronavirus Drosten is. To wash hands thoroughly, important. The Coronavirus is, however, no pathogens, along with a runny nose. This means, it is not found nearly as often on the hands, such as the viruses of the common cold. Corona seats rather in the neck and will "ausgehustet", therefore, you should also refer to the prevention of the pathogens that are dispersed in the air. A “cloud”, and am forever in the air, and not the Coronavirus nevertheless, the pathogen, according to the virologists after a few seconds, to the ground.
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