Study: COVID-19 vaccination yields reactions similar to those of general population in nursing mothers and their infants


Nursing mothers who received COVID-19 mRNA vaccination experienced adverse events similar to those reported by the general population. COVID-19 vaccination is considered to be safe for nursing mothers and their breastfed infants, according to a new study in the peer-reviewed journal Breastfeeding Medicine.

Dolores Sabina Romero Ramírez, University Hospital Nuestra Señora de Candelaria, Spain, and co-authors found that at least one adverse event was reported by 85% of the vaccinated mothers. The most frequent symptoms were injection site pain, fatigue, tiredness, myalgia, joint pain, and headache. “Of all the events reported during follow-up, 70% were declared as mild and 3% as severe,” stated the investigators.

The most common symptoms reported in the breastfed children were irritability, fever, cough, and nasal congestion. “Although, after vaccination, 31% of the participating mothers observed health events in their infants, these cannot be considered adverse reactions due to the vaccine itself,” noted the investigators. Many events were associated with ongoing respiratory infections.

The symptoms reported here suggest that “the COVID-19 vaccine safety profiles for breastfeeding persons are very much like those for the general population. Neither the mothers nor the infants suffered serious adverse events, and all the participating mothers would recommend vaccination after one month of follow-up,” concluded the investigators.

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