Stop smoking: Expert discusses addiction and how to quit the habit with hypnosis

Stopping smoking comes with a host of benefits, from allowing you to breath more easily to improved fertility. Established and highly accredited hypnotherapist, Susan Hepburn spoke exclusively to to discuss how the power of the mind could help you quit for good.
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Susan Hepburn said hypnosis is a mind-changing revolution: a simple technique that will free you from your addictive behaviours forever.
She explained: “Hypnosis can help with the most common unhealthy habits are addictions which can be to a whole variety of things – food, smoking, alcohol, recreational drugs, shopping, sex, computers, social media and so on.
“When it comes to addiction, there can be many complex reasons why someone feels compelled to take a break from the reality of life and indulge in a fantasy world.
“For some the fantasy world is more self-indulgence now and again, but for others certain factors dictate that they are more likely to become hooked and this is when it becomes a problem.”
When asked what exactly an addiction is and why it’s so difficult to remedy it, Susan replied: “An addiction is a compulsion to engage in a specific activity and to repeat this activity time and time again and seemingly powerless to stop.
“Anyone can develop addictions and dependency problems.
“But the experience of addiction is different for everyone.
“This is because there are so many factors in the mix – your personality and disposition, your life circumstances and the substance or behaviour to which you are addicted.”
Hypnotherapy essentially allows you to easily access your subconscious mind – the part of the mind that controls urge and impulses, said Susan.
She added: “Once there, you will effectively ‘delete’ the behaviours, emotional associations and thoughts that cause your addictive behaviour in the first place from your subconscious mind, whether it be alcohol, drugs, shopping, sex or something else. This is like deleting files from a computer.
“You will then ‘reprogram’ your mind with positive and healthy, life-enhancing thoughts and behaviours and with a healthy approach to life.”
When it comes to some of the changes which can happen to a person’s mind and body through the use of hypnosis, Susan said post-hypnotherapy, many clients report feeling like a whole new person.
She said: “The results are long-lasting and almost instantaneous.
“Because hypnotherapy teaches you to reprogram your own mind, you’ll find it easy to identify and change your problematic addictive behaviour, whatever that may be, and replace it with positive and healthy patterns of behaviour.”
For those concerned about the safety of hypnosis, Susan reassures that she does not “put people under” or play tricks on the mind.
She uses hypnosis as a form of deep, but lucid relaxation and in this state, it is possible to bypass the conscious mind, reaching the “suggestible” subconscious, which can then be reprogrammed.
When it comes to those who want to quit smoking by using hypnosis, Susan explained: “Hypnosis works really well with quitting smoking because it removes the guilt, anxiety and stress associated with addiction.
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“It is a simple yet radical way to gain control of your life without therapy or soul-searching.
“Soon, your addictive period will feel almost like a ‘fantasy holiday’.”
“Most people with addictions already know what they have to do in order to quit their addiction, but it all seems too difficult.”
Susan continued: “Hypnosis can liberate anyone from any addiction, providing you are motivated to want this for yourself rather than being pressured to take action from someone else.
“Hypnosis is a way to gain control of your life, to recapture your self-confidence and to rebuild healthy and normal relationships with those close to you. As an addict you will take responsibility for your recovery.
“Hypnosis is permanent and not a quick fix with the investment being so little and yet the rewards are so immense.
“Unlike conventional methods, which fuel anxiety and guilt (and therefore invariably do not work long term), there are no rehab centres, no halfway houses, no guilt feelings or deprivation.”
Some addictions can create a constant physical craving, where you are powerless to stop yourself and feel desperate and alone, accoridng to Susan.
But she said hypnosis can help you to conquer those addictions and to get back to the real world, to “recapture your life again”.
She added: “Addictions affect not just your life, but also the lives of those around you.
“Governments are becoming more aware of the crisis surrounding addictions. People are looking for a more holistic approach that involves general healthy lifestyle changes.
“Hypnosis is on-trend with its emphasis on building a lasting, healthy and sustainable control over addictions.”
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