Scientists develop new method to faster — and more accurately — find antigens that trigger specific immune cells

A cell’s secrets can be divulged by its surface, decorated with tens to hundreds of thousands of molecules that help immune cells determine friend from foe. Some of those protruding molecules are antigens that trigger the immune system to attack, but it can be difficult for scientists to identify those antigens, which often vary across individuals, in the molecular forest.
A team of Stanford scientists led by Polly Fordyce, an Institute Scholar at Sarafan ChEM-H, has developed a new method to faster and more accurately predict which antigens will lead to a strong immune response. Their approach, which was reported in Nature Methods on Sept. 5, could help scientists develop more effective cancer immunotherapies.
T cells, a class of immune cells, crawl along and squish past other cells as they patrol the body, using T cell receptors to molecularly read peptides, or short pieces of proteins — which are cradled within larger proteins called major histocompatibility complexes (pMHCs) that project from cell surfaces. Healthy host cells display an array of pMHCs that do not trigger an immune response, but once T cells recognize disease-indicating peptides, they become activated to find and kill cells bearing these foreign signatures. Understanding how T cells sensitively distinguish these antigenic peptides from host peptides to avoid mistakenly killing host cells has long been a mystery.
“A T cell can detect a single antigenic peptide amongst a sea of 10,000 or 100,000 non-antigenic peptides being displayed on cell surfaces,” said Fordyce, assistant professor of bioengineering and of genetics.
The key to selectivity is in the T cell crawl. T cells’ sliding puts stress on the bonds between receptors and peptides, and in most cases, that extra stress is enough to break that bond. But sometimes, it has the opposite effect. Chris Garcia, co-author of the study and professor of molecular and cellular physiology and of structural biology, and others had already shown that the most antigenic peptides are those whose interactions with T cell receptors grow stronger in response to sliding.
“It’s kind of like a Chinese finger trap,” said Fordyce. “When you pull a bit at the receptor-antigen interaction, the binding actually lasts longer.”
Cellular mimicry
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