People Are Building ‘Charcuterie Chalets’ This Holiday Season

If your ideal Friday night dinner consists of a charcuterie board and bottle of wine, we have something in common. In fact, it’s become such a beloved bite to pick at that people are ditching gingerbread houses this Christmas in favor of something more … cheesy. Prepare to get creative while you put together a “charcuterie chalet!”
Many families make it a tradition around the holidays to build, decorate, and display a gingerbread house. While cookie walls are great and all, adults might appreciate the charcuterie version even more. Think cracker walls, a prosciutto and salami roof, and cheese details. Just like there aren’t rules when making a charcuterie board, you can let the fun fly while putting together this meat and cheese chalet.
A post shared by @syntaxchen
A post shared by Ashley ✨ Sorrenteaux Boards (@sorrenteaux)
A post shared by Jisoo Kang (@jisookangg)
A post shared by FARMcurious (@farmcurious)
A post shared by Brian Everett (@briangtiguy)
This festive trend is picking up some steam in 2020, but it isn’t exactly a new concept. People have been making charcuterie chalets since at least 2016. So luckily for you, there are some tried and true strategies to making yours as good as it can be!
Instagram account @jisookangg used mini breadsticks to give their chalet a Lincoln log vibe; @sorrenteaux turned the cheese into gingerbread cookie shapes and the cucumbers into Christmas trees; @farmcurious swirled the meat to add texture to the lined walkway; and @syntaxchen used some sort of dip at the top of the roof (good for color, eating, and holding the pieces together). Don’t be afraid to get inspiration from those who have already made charcuterie chalets (and then make it your own!).
Since the pieces are more individual than a gingerbread house, it might take a little more time to put the charcuterie chalet together. However, we think with that bottle of wine handy and a good Christmas movie playing in the background, you’ll be admiring your creation in no time!
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