NHS must get the cash it needs for vital prescription pill helpline

NHS must get the cash it needs for vital prescription pill helpline
- Two million in England have been taking antidepressants for at least five years
Alarming new figures show that about two million people in England have been taking antidepressants for at least five years. But why does this matter if they need them, you might ask?
The point is that while these drugs can be helpful in the short term, there are no good studies supporting their long-term use. But the research does show that around a quarter of those on antidepressants will experience severe withdrawal symptoms.
That’s potentially a lot of people, with more than eight million adults taking these drugs in England alone.
The new figures emerged in a BBC Panorama programme broadcast last night, following a Freedom of Information request to the NHS.
For many people, there is a terrible personal cost to this: the programme also highlighted the extreme suffering of people trying to withdraw from antidepressants (in particular the most commonly prescribed, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs).
Alarming new figures show that about two million people in England have been taking antidepressants for at least five years (File image)
The experience can be so debilitating and long-lasting that many of those affected lose their families and their livelihoods. Others lose their lives — for some, suicide is the only escape from the horror of withdrawal. Many cannot cope when they try to come off the drugs, and end up remaining on them for life.
It is not just antidepressants: people can experience life-changing withdrawal from other dependency-forming medicines, including benzodiazepines (often used for sleep), as well as opioids and gabapentinoids (often used for pain). And the longer you take the pills, the harder it can be to come off them.
What’s in a name?
The origin of conditions with quirky names
This week: Gamekeeper’s thumb
This condition refers to an injury to the ulnar collateral ligament, which runs on the inner side of the elbow up to the wrist where the thumb meets the palm.
The ligament allows the thumb to pinch and grasp things. ‘The name was coined in the 1950s and referred to a chronic injury seen among Scottish gamekeepers, thought to be caused over time by them using their thumb and index finger to break a rabbit’s neck,’ says Gavin Schaller, a consultant hand and wrist surgeon at West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospital NHS Trust.
If the ligament is sprained, wearing a splint will allow it to heal, which can take about six weeks. But if it’s torn, surgery will often be required.
The issue of antidepressant withdrawal problems has been known about for decades — and the Government itself has also known about it for years, thanks to its own official review published in 2019.
This evidence review was produced by Public Health England following pressure from the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Prescribed Drug Dependence and a campaign in the Daily Mail.
The review established that 26 per cent of the adult population of England had taken at least one dependence-forming drug in the past year.
It also revealed that rates of prescribing are 1.5 times higher among women, and that there are higher prescribing rates of pain medication in areas of social deprivation.
It showed that patients were not being warned of the risks of these medicines, that their withdrawal symptoms were not being acknowledged but were being misdiagnosed by doctors, and that they did not have access to proper support.
The Public Health England review made several key recommendations, including the provision of withdrawal support services for patients, alongside a national 24-hour helpline and website. These services are essential as they help people to taper off the drugs slowly, which is the safest way to come off dependency-forming drugs.
They also support people who are in crisis when they are experiencing severe symptoms, which can be a lifesaver.
Public Health England’s call for a national helpline and website was endorsed by several leading medical institutions, including the British Medical Association, the Royal College of Psychiatrists and the Royal College of General Practitioners. Since then, NHS England has published guidance to encourage health authorities to commission appropriate withdrawal support services in their area.
But no new funding has been provided for these services. Furthermore, no helpline has been established. Even worse, existing charities which provide withdrawal support are having their funding removed as NHS trusts rein in their spending.
As the Mail has previously reported, one of the last of these, the Bristol and District Tranquilliser Project, is being forced to close its doors this August.
Research shows that around a quarter of those on anti- depressants will experience severe withdrawal symptoms (File image)
Meanwhile an extra £421 million of funding has recently been announced to support illicit drug and alcohol treatment services. This is, of course, welcome and much needed by local authorities to improve addiction treatment.
But this funding must also be extended to prescribed drug withdrawal services, particularly as our research shows that the NHS is wasting more than £500 million each year on the unnecessary prescribing of these drugs — leaving perhaps hundreds of thousands of people dependent on medicines that they shouldn’t be taking.
Today, in a letter to the British Medical Journal, Lord Crisp (former chief executive of the NHS) and Baroness Hollins (past president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and the British Medical Association) join other experts to ‘urgently call upon the UK government to fund and implement withdrawal support services, including a national helpline’.
‘Funding was [previously] denied for the helpline, despite the low cost of provision,’ they write.
People can experience life-changing withdrawal from other dependency-forming medicines, including benzodiazepines (often used for sleep)
‘Therefore, despite all the evidence, reviews, media interest and public awareness, nothing has changed. In fact, the situation has worsened.’
The NHS has a clear moral responsibility to help those who have been harmed by simply taking its drugs as prescribed. The scale of the problem and the horrendous impact on people’s lives is now known.
It’s therefore past time for the Government to open its chequebook, fulfil its moral obligation and fund the services that are so desperately needed.
n Luke Montagu is a spokesperson for the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Prescribed Drug Dependence and helped draw up the official NICE guidelines on tackling drug dependence and withdrawal.
Under the microscope
Fashion designer Zandra Rhodes, 82, takes our health quiz
Can you run up the stairs?
My stairs are very steep and span three floors — I can’t run, but I do walk up them. Going up and down them every day is like a workout and my doctor thinks they keep me fit!
I see a personal trainer twice a week for an hour each time over Zoom. I’m trying to keep myself in shape.
Get your five a day?
Generally, yes. I try to have fruit with breakfast and lots of veg with dinner.
Ever dieted?
Never, I have too much of a sweet tooth. I’m having to cut back on sugar at the moment as per the doctor’s orders (I am borderline diabetic). I’m 10st (63.5kg) and 4ft 10in.
Any vices?
Sugar! My favourite sweet treat is apple and rhubarb crumble. I don’t drink or smoke, so it could be worse.
Worst illness?
Bile duct cancer. I was diagnosed in 2020 as the world went into the first lockdown. I’m now in remission but it’s been a journey. I found the lump in my bile duct, near my stomach, as I was doing yoga with my good friend Andrew Logan [the performance artist and sculptor]. I had no other symptoms other than that afternoon my stomach just felt full and I had not eaten all day. I got treatment [three months of chemotherapy] at just the right time.
Any family ailments?
My mother, Beatrice, was a teacher at Medway College of Art. She was an exceptional woman and my inspiration. It was very sad that she died of lung cancer at the age of 58 — she was a chain smoker, 60 a day.
Pop any pills?
I take prescription drugs as well as aspirin.
Tried alternative remedies?
Not really, but a good hot water bottle helps ease pain and soothes you when you’re not feeling your best.
Ever have plastic surgery?
No, but I’m not against it for other people. I have just chosen to age somewhat gracefully.
Ever been depressed?
Sometimes. Sadness comes when I hit a block with ideas and designs.
Hangover cure?
I have had a hangover only twice in my life. The first was when I left the Royal College of Art and went back to an end-of-term party and everyone kept plying me with drinks! It wasn’t worth it as I couldn’t get up for work as usual at 8.30am. Since the age of 26 I have not drunk alcohol.
What keeps you awake?
At the moment it’s knee pain — I have arthritis and I have already had two replacement hips.
Like to live for ever?
No way. Life is sacred but without death I don’t think you would live it as fully!
- Zandra has launched a design collaboration with bedding company Lola and Veranda; Go to: lolaandveranda.com
Interview by YVONNE SWANN
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