Higher intake of fruits, vegetables tied to fewer menopause symptoms

(HealthDay)—A diet rich in fruits and vegetables may lessen menopause symptoms, according to a study recently published in Menopause.
Maryam Safabakhsh, M.S.P.H., from Tehran University in Iran, and colleagues evaluated sociodemographic data, dietary intakes, anthropometric measures, and menopause symptoms among 393 postmenopausal women.
The researchers found that after adjusting for other factors, there was an inverse relationship between total fruit and vegetable intake and total menopause rating scale score (TMRSS; odds ratio [OR], 0.23) and somatic score (SS; OR, 0.30). The consumption of total fruits was significantly related to lower SS (OR, 0.27). Intake of citrus fruits was inversely associated with TMRSS (OR, 0.23) and SS (OR, 0.28). Higher urogenital score was associated with intakes of total fruits and vegetables (OR, 2.46), total vegetables (OR, 2.54), green leafy vegetables (OR, 3.59), dark yellow vegetables (OR, 2.28), other vegetables (OR, 5.23), and citrus fruits (OR, 4.35).
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