High salt intake promotes hypertension – Natural medicine naturopathic specialist portal

Salt is damaging to the gut microbiome?
A lower intake of salt seems to be, according to a recent study beneficial for the intestinal microbiome and the blood pressure. Therefore, it is recommended to take less salt to. This is especially true of women with untreated high blood pressure, as these a greater impact due to greater salt intake experience.
In the case of the current joint investigation of the Queen Mary University of London, and the Medical College of Georgia has found that increased salt intake night seems to be in a hurry for the blood pressure and the intestinal microbiome. The results of the study were explained in the English journal “Hypertension”.
Data of 145 people were equipped to evaluate
In the investigation of the blood of 145 adult women and men with untreated high blood pressure, the researchers found that low salt intake can improve the intestinal flora. Especially women showed already after six weeks of daily sodium intake of about 2.3 grams of a high content of short-chain fatty acids in the blood, an indicator of a healthy Microbiome. The German nutrition society (DGE) recommends a daily basis to take no more than six grams of salt to.
The Microbiome regulates blood pressure?
There is increasing evidence that the Microbiome plays a direct role in the regulation of blood pressure. New findings suggest that a salt-rich diet alters the intestinal microbiome, and in particular in animal models of salt-sensitive hypertension. The researchers tried to understand in its current investigation of the underlying mechanisms, such as a salt diet high blood pressure caused.
What are the functions of the intestinal microbiota?
The intestinal microbiota comprises all bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi, which inhabit the gastro-intestinal tract. These have a variety of functions that support the digestion of food on the immune response to influence the tendency to gain weight.
What is circulating short-chain fatty acids are?
Circulating short-chain fatty acids are an important energy source for the epithelial cells lining the colon and prevent contents from the stomach-the intestine-the outlet tract into the body. It is assumed that the short-chain fatty acids also play a role in protection against common problems such as inflammation, obesity, and Diabetes.
What is the influence of circulating short-chain fatty acids to the blood pressure?
It is already known that circulating short-chain fatty acids play a role in the regulation of blood pressure. This small, out of the gut-derived metabolites in the whole blood circulation. They bind to receptors in the blood vessels and the kidneys, which play for the release of the enzyme Renin, an important role. Renin is responsible for a good blood flow to the kidneys and plays an important role in blood pressure control. The blood level of circulating short-chain fatty acids can be considered as an indicator for the health of the intestine, multiple, report the researchers.
What expectations were there?
The hypothesis of the research group was that even a modest reduction in salt intake alter the concentrations of circulating short-chain fatty acids and the blood pressure would lower.
How did the investigation?
In the case of the Participants in the study, no stool samples were taken. Instead, circulating, were investigated short-chain fatty acids. All Participants received two weeks of detailed instructions on how to make your sodium intake to about 2,000 milligrams a day can reduce. In the randomized, placebo-controlled study and half the participants then received six weeks of nine times a day, either a sodium or a placebo tablet. After the period, the groups were changed.
Which led to a lower intake of salt?
The researchers found that the reduction in the consumption of sodium increased in all eight of the short-chain fatty acids, which are the end product of the Fermentation of fibers, which are degraded by the Microbiota. Humans have no enzymes to digest many of these fibers.
What were some elevated levels of circulating short-chain fatty acids?
The observed elevated values of circulating short-chain fatty acids were consistently associated with lower blood pressure and an increased flexibility of the blood vessels, the Team reported. Periods of higher salt intake drives the blood pressure in both men and women in the height. A lower intake of salt led to an improvement in blood pressure.
Effects on women were more
In women, the effects observed were due to the salt intake significantly says the research group. There are generally consistent differences in the Microbiota between men and women. Sodium is in both sexes a factor, but the impacts associated with the gut microbiome appear to be stronger in women occur. Further research is now needed to check this in more detail. It could well be that a high salt content affects blood pressure in men and women in various ways.
Effects on systolic blood pressure
For example, systolic blood pressure in the 24-hour measurement was almost five points lower when women adopted a low-salt diet, compared with women who ate salt rich. In the case of men with salt-reduced diet, the systolic blood pressure was only three points lower, compared with men who take a salt-rich diet.
Future studies should umnfassen faecal Samples
In the future, a larger study should be carried out, in which faecal Samples are examined in order to assess the microbial content and health direct. This would determine whether the case of the current study encountered gender differences have stock. (as)