Corona: Many take protective measures against the infection – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

Coronavirus infections – Many dispense with protective measures
The Federal Institute for risk assessment (BfR) has been recorded in a “Corona-Monitor,” the fears and Anxieties of the population about the new Coronavirus. It was also clear that almost a third of the population is taking, as yet, no protective measures. In the face of the haunting reminders of policy and medical experts to a worrying high percentage.
The so far taken measures to curb the infection with the new Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 to be reviewed by a majority of the population is positive, but it seems that around a third of people do not consider it necessary, this also personally to implement. The latest survey conducted by the BfR showed that 32 percent of respondents take no measures to protect yourself or your family from infection with the Coronavirus.
Positive assessment of the measures taken
A total of 90 percent of the respondents to the “Corona-monitor” assessed the arranged measures for the containment of the pathogen, such as school closures, quarantine measures or prohibition of Contact closing as justified and see this very positively. Also, the closure of most shops, or the imposition of a output were evaluated barrier of 86 and 74 percent respectively of respondents as appropriate, reported to the BfR. Nevertheless, almost a third of respondents take no protective measures.
What protective measures will be taken?
Around two-thirds, but fortunately, to want to through a variety of measures against infection protect. Most often the Avoid of the Public called will here, but also frequent and thorough hand washing, distance to other people, as well as the use of disinfectant among the measures implemented, the communication of the BfR.
Social contacts, door handles and cash
The fear of a Corona infection a divided picture: 41 percent expect a rather small impact on the own health, while 37 percent estimate this as quite significant. So people Covid fear-19 is significantly more than the flu. Also, only 28 percent of the respondents are sure that they can protect themselves with the help of the protective measures taken against infection. As possible sources of infection, the respondents rated mainly to be close to other people (81 percent), contaminated door handles (61 percent) and cash (45 percent).
The survey also makes clear that the vast majority of the population (72 percent) feels well informed about the Events and in television, Internet and print media serve as sources of information. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) was named among the official Agencies as the most common source of information.
“In the future, we want to measure every week, as the population in Germany takes the risk from the novel Coronavirus is true (and) we hope that this representative survey, a kind of ‘fever curve’ provides, from the left, you can see how people assess the risk and deal with it”, says BfR President Professor Dr. Dr. Andreas Hensel in a press release to the new “Corona-Monitor”. (fp)