Bowel cancer warning: Does your poo sink or float? Hidden signs of a tumour in the toilet

Bowel cancer is one of the most common cancers to be diagnosed in the UK. You should consider speaking to a doctor if you find that your stools are persistently floating, it’s been revealed.
Bowel cancer is a general term for any cancer that develops in the large bowel, and it may sometimes be known as colon or rectal cancer.
The early warning signs of bowel cancer can be very subtle, and many people may not be aware that they’re at risk.
That’s why it’s crucial that you always check your stools after using the toilet.
Any change to your usual toilet habit may be a sign of bowel cancer.
A healthy bowel should make your stools sink, according to the Taymount Clinic.
While most people have a poo that floats every now and again, persistent floaters may be a sign of bad digestive health.
Your stools could reveal a lot about your overall health.
The most healthy poo will look like a smooth, soft sausage, and it may have a few cracks on the surface.
Bowel cancer symptoms: How to tell blood in your poo is cancerous [RESEARCH]
Bowel cancer symptoms: Your poo size could be a warning sign [STUDY]
Bowel cancer warning: What colour is your poo? Signs to watch out for [ANALYSIS]
“Your poo shouldn’t normally float,” said the Taymount Clinic.
“If your gut is doing its job, you should be digesting oils and fats which will make your stool sink.
“The odd floater is not an issue, but if it is a common occurrence this can be a sign of bad digestive health.”
Your stools should also be a brown colour, while red or dark red-coloured poo may be a sign of something more serious.
Blood from higher up in the bowel turns your stools a dark red or black colour.
If you find any blood in your stools, you should speak to a doctor straight away.
Meanwhile, your poo should also be relatively smelly.
If you notice any persistent changes to the smell of your stools, you should also consider seeing a GP.
You could lower your risk of bowel cancer by making some small diet or lifestyle changes.
Eating large amounts of red and processed meats have been linked with a higher likelihood of bowel cancer.
Smoking, drinking too much alcohol and obesity could also lead to the disease, the NHS warned.
More than 90 percent of all bowel cancer causes occur in people over the age of 50.
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