417 Corona infections in Germany, the R-value drops further two Federal States without any new cases

The Corona-pandemic keeps the world in suspense: More than 14 million people have been infected with the Coronavirus, 202.442 of them in Germany. The United States reported almost daily new record numbers. The latest news on Corona-crisis in Germany, Europe and the world read in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.
Corona-News from Germany and around the world – the top stories: New York is struggling with drastic step against second wave (07.56 hrs) group is working on 2,50-Euro vaccine (06.19 PM) Trump warns of escalation of the Corona pandemic in the US (06.04 PM) 425 new Corona cases in Germany infections in each Federal state (21.50 PM)
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TOP NEWS: New York is struggling with drastic step against second wave
07.56 PM: New York has the Coronavirus already successfully fought, now you fight with drastic measures against a second wave. The majority of activities in enclosed spaces was banned. In addition, a restriction for travellers from 31 of the 50 US States now. Guests from ten other regions, including Alaska, Washington, and Virginia need to in the future go upon arrival in New York 14 days in quarantine. Anyone in breach of the a hefty penalty of $ 2,000, threatens.
Vanessa Carvalho/ZUMA Wire/dpa New York: a woman with A Mouth guard goes in front of the Metropolitan Museum of Art on the street.
The group is working on 2,50 Euro vaccine
06.19 PM: The pharmaceutical company, AstraZeneca plans to the end of the year, a Coronavirus vaccine on the market. This is the world "to Selbstkostenpreis" be available, such as the head of the company, Pascal Soriot, said on Tuesday the French radio station RTL. A unit is to be sold for 2,50 euros. "Our goal is to machen" the vaccine available to all people;, Soriot said.
The companies hope to produce by the end of the year, a vaccine. "Maybe a little earlier, if all is well geht", added Soriot.
On Monday, a study in the journal " had;The Lancet" great hopes in the jointly by AstraZeneca and the UK’s University of Oxford-developed vaccine aroused. The substance proved to be in the first two test series than for the subjects of the well-tolerated, and resulted in the formation of antibodies and immunity against lung disease Covid-19.
The results of a third test phase are expected in the autumn. This is successful, can be produced in the fabric after mass and be administered.
Meanwhile, a Chinese vaccine manufacturer began on Tuesday with the third Phase of testing of the drug in Brazil. According to the information of a doctor in a hospital in Sao Paolo, the first volunteers received the vaccine, whose efficacy has been demonstrated in the first two phases, as "Lancet" reported.
TOP NEWS: "Worse werden" is;: Trump warns of escalation of the Corona pandemic in the United States
Wednesday, 22. July, 06.04 PM: US President Donald Trump, before a further escalation of the Coronavirus pandemic in the United States has warned. "It will likely be unfortunately worse before it wird" better;, he said on Tuesday (local time) at a press conference in the White house. "I’m not happy about things, but so es" is;, Trump said. At present, the situation is especially in the South and West of the country is problematic, but the Virus "could ausbreiten" more;, warned Trump.
The President’s Statement marked for Trump in a new tone of voice: most Recently, he had played the escalation of the situation in Parts of the country, rather than strictly local Problem and a rapid re-opening of the economy and the schools pushed. The government will help the affected States, he said. The goal is the pandemic not only curb, "but you loszuwerden", he said. ALEX EDELMAN / AFP US President Donald Trump on 11. July with a mask while visiting a military hospital in Bethesda (Maryland)
In the face of dramatically rising Corona cases Trump has encouraged Americans to Wear protective masks. "We ask all of you, that you don’t have to wear a mask, if you are able to halten" distance;, he said. "Whether you like the masks or not, they have an effect, you are going to have an effect and we need everything we can get."
In the USA, the authorities have reported that in the past two weeks, between 60 000 and 77 000 new infections and hundreds of deaths. Mainly affected the States of Florida, Georgia, Texas, Arizona and California. Trump described the recent increase as a "besorgniserregend". According to experts, the pandemic is in the affected areas now completely out of control. Other States also report for an increase in the number of new infections.
TOP NEWS: 425 new Corona cases in Germany infections in each Federal state
20.08 clock: The number of positive Corona Tests in Germany on Tuesday to 425 on 202.442 increased. To 5 new deaths occur – thus there are now a total of 9065. Particularly striking: In every state it was on Tuesday in new infections. "Spitzenreiter" North Rhine-was-Westphalia, with more than 100 of new diseases. The R-value of the Robert-Koch Institute, declined from 1.15 to 1,04. The number of active cases is currently 5.277.
Here you will find the currently reported Figures by the health ministries of the countries.
- Baden-Württemberg: 36.566 (1838 Deaths)
- Bavaria: 49.880 (2614 Deaths)
- Berlin: 8836 (222 Deaths)
- Brandenburg: 3514 (173 Deaths)
- Bremen: 1726 (55 Deaths)
- Hamburg: 5243 (231 Deaths)
- Hesse: 11,430 Thousands (515 Deaths)
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 811 (20 Deaths)
- Lower Saxony: 14.019 (648 Deaths)
- North Rhine-Westphalia: 46.213 (1714 Deaths)
- Rhineland-Palatinate: 7338 (238 Deaths)
- Saarland: 2805 (174 Deaths)
- Saxony: 5498 (224 Deaths)
- Saxony-Anhalt: 1963 (62 Deaths)
- Schleswig-Holstein: 3278 (155 Deaths)
- Thuringia: 3324 (182 Deaths)
Total (As Of 21.07.2020, 20.05 PM): 202.442 (9065 Deaths)
The Day Before (As 20.07.2020, 19.39 PM): 202.017 (9061 Deaths)
Source to be Infected – and death-figures: country health and social ministries.
The number of Healed, according to the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, at around 188.100.
The number of active cases is at 5277.
Currently, the RKI reported reproduction number: 1,04 (as 21.07.20)
Speaker: U.S. President Donald Trump is tested more than once a day
18.57 PM: US President Donald Trump takes the Coronavirus, at least in private, more serious than he communicated to the outside world. His spokeswoman, Kayleigh McEnany said on Tuesday at a press conference that Trump are sometimes “tested several times a day” on Covid-19 – and at least once a day.
Residents of Hamburg nursing home after a positive Corona Test in quarantine
17.42 PM: The residents of a nursing home in the Hamburg district of Bramfeld in quarantine. Reason, a positive Corona Test in the case of a resident, such as the NDR reported. Now all the other inhabitants are also tested. Family visits are provisionally allowed. The Tests should also be clarified, such as the residents – in the current of the Corona cases, largely spared Hamburg – infected. Most recently it was in the Hanseatic city of not even a handful of New infections per day.
TOP NEWS: millions of cases? Every Fourth has Corona-antibodies in the capital of India
16.55 PM: A Corona antibody Test on behalf of the government of India has revealed that highly anticipated, nearly every fourth man (23,48 per cent) in the capital city of New Delhi antibodies in the blood. Samples from 21 of 387 people had been India’s health Ministry wrote in a notification on Tuesday.
This value is significantly higher than the official Figures of the well-known corona cases. Thus have, or have had less than one percent of the population of New Delhi and Corona – specifically, more than 123 000 people.
Extrapolating, however, the 23,48 per cent to around 20 million inhabitants of New Delhi, it would have to be more than 4.5 million cases.
The Ministry of health said that many people were asymptomatic. However, the Corona test rate in India is also significantly lower than in many richer countries.
India is currently third in the well-known corona cases worldwide, with nearly 1.2 million cases. Prior to that, Brazil, with more than 2.1 million and the USA with more 3.8 million cases.
The Berlin Senate loosens distance rule for Restaurants
14.27 PM: In Berlin, now because of the Corona pandemic applicable spacing rules in restaurants relaxed. This was agreed by the Senate, according to information from the German press Agency at its meeting on Tuesday. So should in the future sit around in the Restaurant for up to six guests at a table, even if the 1.50 m distance cannot be complied with. The infection protection regulation should be amended accordingly.
Yet need to are in pubs the chairs so that the guests a minimum of 1.5 meters is maintained. Exceptions are made for marriage and life partner and members of their household. From the point of view of the Berlin gastronomy, the scheme was a significant limitation. The number of guests reduced significantly, with corresponding economically painful consequences for the owners are liable, even if the rule is not observed everywhere. The cuisine is affected by the Corona-crisis.
Relaxations are also provided in the field of sport. In Amateur football, the training is operational in Berlin already allowed – this is for other contact sports possible.
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