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We all like to think we ‘deep clean’ our homes, but there are plenty of places throughout the house we often neglect.

Think things like the bathroom vent, washing machine door and shower screen, to name a few.

We know what you’re thinking. They can’t really be that dirty, can they?

Think again. Compare The Market had those exact areas in people’s homes swabbed to find out just how dirty they are and the results are toe-curlingly gross.

In fact, used car sales norco ca the bathroom vent was the worst culprit with a whopping 1,991 different bacteria groups lurking there.

These include pathogenic bacteria like E.coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the latter of which rarely causes illness outside a hospital setting but there is a risk of infection if you have a weakened immune system or are very young or old.

It can also be home to yeasts and environmental bacteria like Bacillus and Listeria.

But are these a danger to your health?

Clinical pharmacist, Nyrah Saleem, tells ‘If the bathroom vent is contaminated with pathogenic Bacillus strains and releases them into the air, there is a possibility of inhaling or coming into contact with these bacteria, which may lead to respiratory infections like pneumonia. 

‘Listeria is a bacteria strain that can cause a serious foodborne illness called listeriosis. 

‘If Listeria is present in the bathroom vent, it suggests a potential contamination source.

‘While direct exposure to Listeria through the bathroom vent is unlikely, it is crucial to remove it to prevent cross-contamination of food or other surfaces in your home (which can lead to infection symptoms such as stomach cramps, diarrhoea or vomiting).’

While the bathroom vent may be the worst culprit for harbouring those pesky germs, the shower screen isn’t too far behind.

Despite being doused with soapy water on the daily, your shower screen is home to 1,921 bacteria groups on average.

Although most of these are typical bacteria that you would find near sources of water, Nyrah says we should still be careful.

She says: ‘Bacteria such as E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa can pose health risks if they exist in large amounts in your home. 

‘While most strains of E. coli are harmless, certain strains can cause serious health issues, especially if they contaminate food or water.

‘If large amounts of pathogenic E. coli are present in your home, there is an increased risk of infection if you come into contact with contaminated surfaces or consume contaminated food or water. 

‘Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a bacterium commonly found in soil, water, and moist environments. While it typically doesn’t cause harm to healthy individuals, it can pose a threat to people with weakened immune systems, such as those with chronic illnesses or undergoing medical treatments.’

However the one place we really have never thought of is the washing machine. It kind of cleans itself, or at least we thought.

Well it turns out there are 1,281 bacteria groups on average but these are mostly yeasts and E.coli.

Nyrah says: ‘While many yeast, species are harmless or even beneficial, some can cause infections, particularly in individuals with weakened immune systems.

‘If your washing machine contains yeasts, there is a chance that they can transfer to your clothes during the washing process.

‘If you have a compromised immune system or are particularly sensitive to yeasts, contact with these organisms on your clothes could potentially lead to skin irritation or an infection.’

She adds: ‘While it’s possible for some strains of E. coli to exist in small quantities in washing machines, it’s generally not a significant concern for health.

‘The washing process, which involves water, detergent, and agitation, typically helps in removing and diluting bacteria.

‘Additionally, most strains of E. coli are harmless and part of our natural gut microbiota.

‘However, if the washing machine has been contaminated with pathogenic strains of E. coli, either through faecal matter or other sources, there is a potential risk of cross-contamination to your clothes.

‘If you come into contact with contaminated clothes or touch your face or food after handling them, there is a small possibility of infection or illness

‘Avoid overcrowding the washing machine, as this can hinder proper cleaning and drying of the clothes and always wash your clothes at the appropriate temperature recommended for the fabric to ensure effective cleaning.’

Areas in your home with the most bacteria:

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