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This Morning: Dr Ranj discusses sleep apnoea
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According to mattress company Amerisleep, obstructive sleep apnoea is among the most common sleep disorders people experience. It can result in a broken night’s sleep as it prevents the person from breathing properly. However, if allowed to go on for a long time it can have serious consequences
A spokesperson for Amerisleep explained: “Obstructive sleep apnoea is a sleep disorder that causes you to stop breathing for short periods of time while you sleep.
“Alarmingly, sleep apnoea can cause you to stop breathing hundreds of times each night.
“If left untreated, bupropion sr vs wellbutrin xl the condition can lead to hypertension, stroke, diabetes, or even a heart attack.
“While obstructive sleep apnoea is primarily thought of as a condition older adults experience, it can show up in younger individuals.”
As with any condition the earlier it is caught the sooner it can be treated.
While it does bring with it a host of symptoms directly linked with sleeping such as snoring and tiredness, it can also have an impact on the brain.
One sign could be cognitive impairment – or memory problems.
Other common symptoms include:
- Daytime fatigue
- Restless sleep
- Frequent waking
- Irritability.
There are a number of treatments that could be used for the condition.
But some people might require a CPAP machine to help them breathe.
This is available for free on the NHS if you need it.
“Just as the symptoms differ between specific sleep disorders, so too do the treatments,” the Amerisleep spokesperson added. “Some lifestyle changes may help your disorder.
“If your sleep disorder is not caused by a more serious medical condition, lifestyle changes can be a helpful way to get your sleep back in line.
“This approach can be as easy as making a few changes to your diet and exercise plan, or it could require something more challenging like effective stress management.
“In some cases, your treatment plan may require a few changes to your bedtime routine.
“These changes can include managing ambient noise and light in your bedroom, limiting screen time before bed and avoiding caffeine in the evening and large meals before bed.”
Counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy are also often recommended to treat sleep disorders.
“This type of therapy can be done individually, in a group setting, or even online,” the spokesperson said.
“The length of your treatment will ultimately depend on the type of sleeping disorder you’re dealing with and the severity of the condition.”
Insomnia is a sleep disorder where a person has difficulty falling or staying asleep, and it can last for a few weeks in serious cases.
Other sleep disorders include:
- Narcolepsy
- Parasomnia
- Restless leg syndrome.
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