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A woman flew to Turkey to have major surgery and lost over 16-and-a-half stone after a psychic told her that she would die without drastic action.
Rebecca Wilkinson, 30, decided to undergo a gastric sleeve operation, and flew to Turkey in September 2020 to have the procedure, after hearing the dire warning.
Rebecca started gaining weight as a teenager and then she put on almost 10 stone in two years after falling pregnant with at 18.
She struggled to eat healthily and would often have two takeaways a day, followed by snacks like chocolate, crisps, buy generic diflucan no prescription best price and sweets and litres of Lucozade.
At her biggest, Rebecca weighed 28st 12lbs.
But after years of trying different diets, she just couldn’t shift the weight, until the trip to a psychic ‘scared her’ into action.
The psychic told Rebecca she had ‘no future’ if she carried on eating unhealthily, and told her to ‘do whatever it takes or die’.
The warning kick-started her weight loss journey and she booked a flight to Antalya, Turkey, to have surgery.
A sleeve gastrectomy procedure is where a large part of the stomach is removed so it’s much smaller than it was before. This means you can’t eat as much as you could before surgery and you’ll feel full sooner. It’s a major operation and comes with a wide range of health risks, including death from complications.
However, the procedure went well for Rebecca, and a year later, she has lost a 16st 7lb – slimming down to 12st 5lb.
The apprentice plasterer, from Ilkeston, Derbyshire, says: ‘I was desperate after years of trying and failing to lose weight.
‘During a visit to my psychic, he scared me into action. He said he saw “no life” for me on the cards.
‘He also said: “Do what it takes – go to the extreme or you will die.”
‘I knew I had to take drastic actions and surgery was the only way. The weight has fallen off after having my stomach removed – it’s turned my life around.’
Rebecca started struggling with bullies during her teens and turned to food for comfort.
‘I went to an all-girls school, and I was bullied really badly,’ she says.
‘In school they nicknamed me “Rebecca double-decker” because I was bigger than the others girls.
‘I definitely ate to feel better. I’d start the day with four pieces of buttered toast, and if I was peckish at midmorning, I’d easily repeat this.
‘For lunch I’d get a takeaway and dinner every single night was a takeaway as well.’
As her weight spiralled, Rebecca struggled with her mental health and suffered from anxiety and depression.
She hoped for another baby with partner of 16 years, Matt, 34, who owns a plastering company, but struggled to conceive for the next 12 years.
‘For years I tried to ignore the mess I was in,’ she says. ‘I wouldn’t leave the house without my mum or fiancé by my side.
‘I was selective over where I went in case I didn’t fit in the seat or the toilet cubicle. I even had people shouting profanities at me from passing cars.’
Rebecca tried and failed to diet over the years and was left feeling defeated. She was ready to give up until she saw the psychic.
‘I was skeptical of the psychic at first, but he knew things no one else did,’ she says.
‘The way he knew about how I’d eat and “hibernate” afterwards. I left the reading in tears, but it was important I did.
‘It was the wake up call I needed to change.’
The operation involved removing three quarters of the stomach and the remaining amount formed a ‘sleeve’ or tube that lead to the intestine.
After the surgery, Rebecca flew back to the UK and had survive on a diet of liquids, purees, and soft foods for a month before being able to eat solid food again.
Rebecca continues: ‘My mum came with me and was such a big support.
‘It all went well but it was a lot to adjust to with my new diet. Now I can only eat small amounts every two hours – like a Babybel or a small bit of protein like a salmon fillet.
‘For dinner, I’ll usually have a very small portion of whatever I’ve cooked for the family.
‘I don’t feel hunger or miss food. The weight has fallen off me – it’s been amazing.’
Rebecca says she is hoping to return to Turkey for another procedure to remove the excess skin.
‘I gave up my work from home job and now I’m an apprentice plasterer,’ she adds.
‘I enjoy super long walks, going out and socialising, which I never imagined would be possible.
‘Most importantly, I’m able to move around and live pain-free. Hopefully the weight loss will help with my fertility and having another baby. It’s changed my life.’
If you’re worried about your weight, speak to your GP to figure out the best options for you. Surgical procedures always carry risks, and other alternatives should be considered first.
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