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Read what your sign's 2021 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Aquarius personality profile.
Happy August, gorgeous Aquarius! Last month, how much does flagyl 500 mg cost a full moon injected great fun into your social life, and Chiron retrograde helped you navigate the stress of returning to in-person events. Now, during a new moon in loyal Leo on Sunday, August 8, try and treat yourself to a night in. Stay off social media, order dinner in, watch TV, or do whatever else helps you relax, but make sure that you chill out. Returning to socialization can be more stressful than you think.
On Wednesday, August 11, chatty Mercury enters perfectionist Virgo and your 8th House of Sex, Death, and Transformation. You're known for your independent spirit, Aquarius, but even you can people-please at times. This transit asks you to cut that out. If someone is pushing more work on you than your schedule allows at the moment, tell them no. If an ex is hounding you to meet for coffee, just tell them that you don't have the bandwidth. It's important that you practice creating boundaries.
When Uranus goes retrograde, you may find that your attention turns to the bigger picture.
When Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and money enters its home sign of Libra on Monday, August 16, setting boundaries pays off. You'll notice lower stress levels when you make time for yourself rather than trying to create a schedule around your love interest or significant other. You're one of the coolest signs of the zodiac, Aquarius. Let people work around you!
Your ruling planet, independent Uranus, goes retrograde on Thursday, August 19 in sensual Taurus and will be retrograde until Friday, January 14. When Uranus goes retrograde, you may find that your attention turns to the bigger picture. During these weeks, you may experience a burst of interest in humanitarian activities. You may also find that people from your past arise and want to make amends, whether it's exes or former coworkers. Uranus retrograde is a time of tying up loose ends and reminding yourself of the world beyond your small inner circle.
The full moon on Sunday, August 22 brings out your primal side.
Sunday, August 22, brings the start of Virgo season and a bright full moon in your sign, Aquarius. Your theme for Virgo season is to continue to create healthy boundaries. If you don't have enough time to yourself, you may feel trapped in your relationships, and that's no good for anyone Have the best of both world by enjoying both alone time and time with your lover, too. The full moon brings out your primal side, so use this night to get dressed up, do your makeup, and make love under the light of the full moon (yes, masturbating counts!).
Later in the month, when messenger Mercury enters pretty Libra on Monday, August 30, romance flows easily. Enjoy this moment of calm in your love life; as you know, this world is full of surprises and you never know when it might end. Enjoy, and see you in September!
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