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This Morning: Dr Chris discusses vitamin D and Covid
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Vitamin D is important for healthy bones, teeth and muscles. It helps regulate blood sugar, zanaflex baclofen the heart, blood vessels, and the lungs and airways. According to Dr Chris says, vitamin D also has a role in boosting the body’s immune system, giving it a key role to play in the fight against COVID-19.
Dr Chris said: “There are a lot of studies on vitamin D. There’s evidence patients that become more ill and those who sugar long COVID-19 seem to have lower levels of vitamin D.
“There are new cases every day. Thirty-one percent of the population are not yet vaccinated. That’s an increasing amount of people carrying the virus.
Research shows that having healthy levels of vitamin D may help protect against respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19.
A recent study indicated that patients hospitalised with COVID-19 who had sufficient levels of vitamin D had decreased risk for adverse outcomes and death.
READ MORE: Vitamin D deficiency: How much of the sunshine vitamin you need to avoid the condition
Covid has been linked to inflammation in the lungs, which can lead to pneumonia and inflammation in the blood vessels and can cause blood clots.
Dr Chris added: “Vitamin D helps the immune system. It has properties in reducing inflammation, which is a big problem with COVID-19.
“It’s so important to your body. Your body has its own factory to make vitamin D and that’s the largest organ in the body, your skin.”
The body creates vitamin D from direct sunlight on the skin.
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