Why you must add sharifa or custard apple to your diet this season

You can have sitaphal as a fruit or by making sweet dishes like basundhi, kheer, ice cream, halwa, cakes, too!
Experts have always stressed on eating seasonal and local foods. Yet, many people ignore such foods, especially if they have never tried them before. However, the one fruit you should definitely try is sitaphal or custard apple, which is widely available in the autumn season. The green-coloured, cone-shaped fruit has a sweet taste, similar to that of pineapple and banana.
But if you are still unsure, here are some experts sharing numerous reasons that will surely convince you to try it.
The fruit has scaly skin and creamy sweet flesh, and is widely grown in Maharashtra.
Why should you have it?
A post shared by ‘Yuktahaar’by Munmun Ganeriwal (@munmun.ganeriwal)
The calcium and magnesium in sitaphal make your bones healthy and strong, said nutritionist Munmun Ganeriwal. “A good source of vitamin B6, eating it will help in curing bloating and PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome). If suffering from diabetes or blood pressure-related issues, this should be the go-to fruit. While the high dietary fibre reduces the risk of diabetes, the potassium and magnesium in it will keep blood pressure in control,” added Ganeriwal.
As per nutritionist Shweta Shah, custard apple has the following benefits:
A post shared by Shweta Shah (@shweta_shah_nutritionist)
*Boosts your mood and immunity
*Is loaded with anti-inflammatory properties
*Beneficial for eye and heart health
*Lowers down blood pressure
*Helps to cure indigestion
*Believed to have anti-cancer elements
Previously, nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar also pointed out some benefits
A post shared by Rujuta Diwekar (@rujuta.diwekar)
*Prevents ulcers and acidity
*Has micronutrients that give you a smooth skin tone, better than any liquid foundation
*Known to improve eye and brain health
*Helps improve hemoglobin levels
*Has bioactive molecules that display anti-obesogenic, anti-diabetes, and anti-cancer properties.
How much should you have?
Fitness influencer Juhi Kapoor said that it should be consumed every day. “Don’t fear fruits and don’t downgrade it by calling it a high sugar fruit. Remember that fructose doesn’t raise blood sugar easily because fruits contain fibre which slowly release glucose in the blood,” she said.
A post shared by Juhi Kapoor (@thejuhikapoor)
Is there a specific time?
According to Kapoor,
*Never eat fruits after a meal
*Never eat fruits with a meal
*Eat fruit on its own as a meal in itself, at 11 am or 4 pm
*No need to combine fruits. Eat one at a time
*Avoid fruits in juice form. Eat them whole to get the best benefits
Shah mentioned that one can include sitaphal in their diet as a fruit or by making sweet dishes like basundhi, kheer, ice cream, halwa, cakes too!
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? The above article is for information purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional for any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.
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