What October's Leo Horoscope Predictions Mean for You

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Read what your sign's 2021 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Leo personality profile.
Welcome to October, you beautiful Leo, you. At the end of September, Mercury retrograde and an anxiety-provoking full moon encouraged you to double down on self-care and enjoy solitude. During the dark new moon in Libra and your 3rd House of Communication on Wednesday, October 6, you get a chance to reconnect with friends and lovers. Because new moons mark new beginnings, use this night to plot and plan Halloween costumes. Leos always win best dressed, but you can share the wealth with your loved ones by orchestrating a group costume.
Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, has been retrograde since Tuesday, April 27. During this time, you confronted your demons. Perhaps you started therapy to process your trauma or finally swore off a toxic former lover. When Pluto goes direct on Wednesday, October 6, you must use this healing to transform into a more evolved version of yourself — and that means taking action. The following day, on Thursday, October 7, lover planet Venus enters outgoing Sagittarius and your 5th House of Pleasure. The new you doesn't waste time stalking exes anymore. Instead, you take advantage of your valuable time to plan a date with a healthy partner, best friend, or potential new playmates.
It's okay to rest this month; you were meant to take cat naps in the sun.
Overall, October is a very calming month, Leo, so resist temptations to be a drama queen. Multiple planets end their retrograde and go direct. Next up is Saturn, which has been retrograde since Sunday, May 23. Saturn is the task maker of the zodiac as it rules responsibility, authority, and boundaries. During its retrograde, you may have felt sluggish at times. It's okay to rest, dear lion, you were meant to take cat naps in the sun. When the planet goes direct on Sunday, October 10, life gets busier, and you're here for it. Autumn brings many excuses to party and more work comes your way. Just remember your lessons learned from Neptune retrograde — integrate downtime into your routine to avoid burnout.
On Sunday, October 17, Jupiter also ends its retrograde, where it's been since Sunday, June 20. Since then, any illusions you had around exes or lukewarm romances were zapped away as the truth became apparent. Realizing your ex is seriously toxic or that you don't have a future with that dude who lives on the other side of the country can be hard, but the sooner you accept these truths, the sooner you can toss your beautiful hair and get back into the game. Mercury retrograde also ends on Tuesday, October 19, so you should have no problem getting it on with fabulous people who appreciate your fabulous self.
Wednesday, October 20, brings a full moon in fellow water sign Aries and your 9th House of Philosophy, which turns your mind towards learning. Don't worry, you don't have to go back to school, but starting a new hobby, such as playing the keyboard or painting, is a great start. Think of it as part of your self-care plan. When intense Scorpio season begins on Saturday, October 23, you're pushed to dive deeper. What interests do you harbor that remain unexplored? Taking an online class to learn a new language or skill can do wonders for your self-esteem.
Mars, which is the planet of fucking and fighting, enters sultry Scorpio on Saturday, October 30, bringing major heat to your bedroom. Don't forget to rock that Halloween costume you brainstormed earlier in the month. Not only will you be taking tons of selfies in it, but you might also wear get to wear it for some kinky role-playing too. Have fun, stay safe, and see you next month.
Lots of glitter is in order for you this month, Leo. Slather your lids, cheeks, or even brows with a sparkly coat of the TooD BioGlitter, which is made from a plant-based material that biodegrades in less than a month.
Tood BioGlitter in Amethyst
Sophie Saint Thomas is Allure's resident astrologer. She is also the author of Sex Witch: Sex Witch: Magickal Spells for Love, Lust, and Self-Protection and the upcoming Glamour Witch: An Empowering Sex-Positive Guide with Spells and Witchy Beauty Tips for All Budgets and Body Types. She believes in the power of glamour and embracing one's sexuality — all the while, looking to astrology to navigate the intricacies of modern life.
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