Stroke: The exercise that could help reduce your risk of the life-threatening condition

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Oxford Reference defines cardiovascular as: “The fitness ability of the heart and blood vessels to supply nutrients and oxygen to tissues during sustained exercise”.
One of the best ways to improve your cardiovascular fitness is to exercise.
As you’re aware, there are many to choose from.
Some, though, have more benefits than others.
Which brings us to cycling.
In the magazine Scientific American, Steve Jobs laid out why a person on a bicycle was more efficient than the most efficient animal, the condor.
He used this to back up his belief that computers could be “bicycles for the mind”.
This strengthens the argument that bicycles themselves are one of the most effective ways for us as humans to improve our fitness and performance.
There are substantial benefits to cycling beyond improving our cardiovascular fitness.
Cycling can increase our muscle strength and flexibility.
Getting on the bike can also improve joint mobility and flexibility.
There are mental health benefits too.
Like other exercises, such as running and swimming, the exercise you get from cycling releases endorphins that improve how you feel, reducing stress, anxiety and depression.
Furthermore, riding can improve your posture and coordination.
All this, along with helping you reduce weight, adds up to a big difference.
In tandem with a healthy diet, cycling can reduce your chances of developing diabetes and bowel cancer.
Whilst more research is needed in these fields to yield a definitive answer; what remains the same are the symptoms of a stroke provided by the NHS:
Face – Face may have dropped on one side.
Arms – The person may not be able to lift both arms
Speech – It might be slurred, or the person may not be able to talk at all.
Time – If you see someone experiencing these symptoms call 999, immediately.
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