How to live longer: Four immunity-boosting foods you should eat to ward off illness

Dr Hilary says we must 'build up immunity to colds'

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Your immune system is hard at work defending the body against infection, and as a result, it needs plenty of vitamins, nutrients and energy to keep working at its best. While a healthy, balanced diet is vital for supporting your immune system, there are some foods that are heralded as having specific immunity-boosting properties. spoke to a series of experts to find out which foods are the best for building up a strong defence against infection.

Make time for mushrooms

According to Hania Opienski, a naturopath and mycotherapy specialist consultant, the beta-glucan content of mushrooms can help ensure your immune system is firing on all cylinders.

She told “Mushrooms are high in beta-glucans – natural substances that have been found to help ‘prime’ our immune system, making sure it’s ready for action to fight off bugs and germs.”

If you really want to ramp up your immunity, Ms Opienski recommends focussing on three specific varieties of mushrooms.

She said: “Certain types of mushrooms such as Reishi, Shiitake and Maitake are especially rich in the most powerful immune-supportive beta-glucans.

“So, getting a daily dose of these mushrooms when you’rE feeling rundown could be beneficial to help prevent and fight off colds and help you to recover quicker.”

Alternatively, if you find it hard to incorporate mushrooms into your diet, Ms Opienski recommends “two capsules of Hifas da Terra Bio-Defense vegan mushroom blend each morning”.

Bulk up on brightly coloured fruit and vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are one of the main building blocks of a healthy and balanced diet.

Boasting countless vitamins, minerals and nutrients, it is no surprise some fresh fruits and vegetables can boost your immune system.

Nutritionist Naomi Newman-Beinart told “Let’s be realistic– most of us crave warming carbs to get us through the winter, but it’s important to up your daily recommended daily allowances to ensure you have the natural plant power to keep you healthy.”

The nutritionist points to a study which highlights just how beneficial fruits and vegetables are for building healthy immunity.

She said: “One study in Germany found that healthcare workers who consumed more fruit and veg had 20 percent fewer colds throughout the time of the study.”

An added bonus is that fruit and vegetables are also great for your skin and overall health.

According to the NHS: “Fruit and vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including folate, vitamin C and potassium.

“They’re an excellent source of dietary fibre, which can help to maintain a healthy gut and prevent constipation and other digestion problems.

“A diet high in fibre can also reduce your risk of bowel cancer.”

For people who are “always on the go”, Dr Newman-Beinart recommends trying a plant-based wellness shake, such as the Fogmatic Wellness System.

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Spice up your mealtimes

Sprinkling herbs and spices into your dishes won’t only ramp up the flavour, but can also hold a number of health benefits.

Sebastian Pole, herbalist and founder, a new website which educates on popular medicinal herbs, told “Herbs and spices have been used medicinally since ancient times and warming spices, such as ginger, clove and cinnamon, are brilliant to keep you healthy over winter.”

A wealth of research has already been conducted, with results revealing key “super spices”.

Mr Pole said: “Preclinical studies have shown that ginger can enhance immune function and it has even been hailed as having both antiviral and antibacterial effects – so start adding fresh ginger to your herbal teas and cooking and reap the benefits of this super spice.

“Turmeric is another spice that has been the focus of much research over the past few years for its anti-inflammatory benefits.

” Research has also shown that curcumin, the active ingredient found in turmeric, is brilliant for immune health.

“It has been found to be an immunomodulator, which means that it is able to suppress or stimulate the immune system to help fight off illness.”

Pack a punch with vitamin C

According to Dr Newman-Beinart: “Vitamin C is a staple in my supplement cupboard all year round, but it is especially good to take when you are feeling really run down.

“If you are burning the candle at both ends, up your ante on the Vitamin C.”

One easy way to do this, says the nutritionist, is by adding fresh lemon juice to water.

She added: “Vitamin C is a great way to support your immune system and energy levels when feeling run down, and as an added bonus, it supports collagen formation in the body.

“So, it’s well worth investing in some Vitamin C this Winter not only to support immune health and improve energy but to look after your skin too.”

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