How digital transformation can turn every company into a health business

HITN: Let’s start by looking at how digital transformation in healthcare has accelerated during the pandemic. What do you think has changed?

Monsarrat: Pandemics are a little different from long-term events in healthcare as they generate acute needs for accelerated responses in order to contain casualties and impact on health systems. The quicker the response is the better the outcomes. Understanding where vaccines are needed, by whom, when; optimising supply chain and distribution; engaging health professionals and patients to be at the right place at the right time is key to getting positive outcomes. Most efficient countries use digital experiences and channels, (open) data and analytics, as well as digital cooperation across the ecosystem – public agencies, businesses large and small, start-ups, citizens, all leveraging data and collaborating through digital platforms.

HITN: Would you say that this acceleration has been a major consequence of the pandemic, opening up new business opportunities – and can you give some examples of where this is happening?

Monsarrat: I agree, and we should add another one: co-operation. One example is the re-opening of borders, travel, hospitality – all these things need co-operation between governments and private bodies.

Another thing driving the discussion around digital transformation is the rise of data: how do I develop treatments against a new variant more quickly? So you need to enable analytics, machine learning on top of population health data, understand what’s happening and where, and identify trends earlier.

This is not only about pandemics. Take chronic disease. If you can help people stay in good shape by monitoring their health data, you can anticipate acute phases and reduce the cost to the health system.

Our role is to help our clients across the ecosystem to capture opportunities around healthcare transformation – for themselves, their clients and partners, and overall deliver health outcomes to society. We improve access, experience and outcomes with technology and human ingenuity (Healthcare Consulting Services & Solutions | Accenture).

HITN: You have suggested that every business will become a health business. What opportunities do you see for companies in other sectors to take part in the acceleration of digital health?

Monsarrat: One that I have in mind is telcos. The NHS in the UK recently decided that the very first access to primary care would be done virtually. Suddenly, it generates an opportunity for telcos because they can bundle those kinds of services in their offerings.

In almost every company, there is an opportunity to create a new healthcare business. AXA, the global insurance group, recently made a public announcement that they would be partnering with Microsoft to create a next-generation digital health platform. In Spain, Telefonica has created a new business with Teladoc Health to offer virtual care services.

Consortiums are also interesting, or at least actors grouping together for one common outcome. In France, for example, it is Sanofi (pharma), Generali (insurance), Orange (telco), plus Capgemeni creating a joint initiative, looking at innovation, investing together in health tech companies and funding them, developing services that they can build into their own offerings.

HITN: What other perhaps more unexpected businesses do you think might we see coming into this digital transformation space in health?

Monsarrat: If you think about mobility – vehicle manufacturers are asking themselves, if I put sensors in my car seats, can I capture data about weight, stress level, movement? Maybe this has value for health, so I can partner with someone who might be interested.

HITN: We’ve spoken mainly about businesses themselves, but what kinds of acceleration are we seeing for healthcare providers?

Monsarrat: Efficiency is one aspect. You can use digital technology to do remote monitoring of discharged patients, for example, so that you capture any sign of a problem and anticipate your response before it becomes acute and more expensive to manage.

We all know about machine learning and how it makes technology very efficient. This is typically a place where device manufacturers are including digital technologies, and many actors are looking at the most efficient ways to detect anomalies in radiology images, for example. You get the same outcome: better detection of future problems. And you can augment – not replace – the skills of the clinician. 

Healthcare IT News spoke to Nicolas Monsarrat, managing director and digital health lead at Accenture Health, as part of the ‘Summer Conversations’ series.

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