Gradually Kita-Opening not before 30. April
The Coronavirus pandemic, the world will continue to be in respiratory: Significantly more than two million people worldwide are already infected with the Virus 152.366 of them in Germany. All the News about the Coronavirus-crisis you will find in the Ticker from FOCUS Online.
A gradual Opening of the nursery is to the beginning of may nationwide not foreseeable. Nevertheless, the Ministers responsible for family Affairs of the countries develop a roadmap for it. "We work in these days in the countries and the Prime Ministers to 30. April a proposal for a decision of the Ministers responsible for family Affairs vorlegen", Hamburg family Senator Melanie Leonhard (SPD) told the German press Agency in Hamburg. The politician is in the plans, together with their counterparts from North Rhine-Westphalia in a leading role. "If we don’t want the parents out of desperation at some point to return the children by grandparents and other care, then we must consider this subject now intense."
On a concrete date for Opening was and Leonhard did not want to set still. "My desire is that it takes so long. Prevention is a priority at the Moment. Any future decision must take in the Welfare of the children level. It comes to bring the rights of children, the needs of parents and the protection of the health, also of educators, in line."
This must happen at a level, "the countries have, of course, still options, the individually develop." This is important, because the Situation is not only in the kindergartens of a city, but also in the municipalities is very different. All nurseries are equally valid rigid rule could not give it because of that. dpa/Julian Stratenschulte/dpa Empty artists ‘ corner in a Kindergarten.
In the case of agreements for a nationwide decision, the scientific debate plays Leonhard, according to a role. So children would not be transferred to the novel Coronavirus may be as strong as initially assumed.
At least up to 6. May have to have patience for children, parents and daycare employees. Prior to this date, there will be German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), there are no Changes to the existing rules.
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