Ease hip pain with this glute strengthening circuit

Strong Women ambassador and fitness trainer Emma Obayuvana demonstrates how to build stronger hips in this quick and effective lower body workout.
Are your hips feeling tighter than a brand new resistance band? Given how busy the hip joints are, it’s no surprise. “They’re a primary centre for lower body movement and balance when we walk, run, squat, jump or move in almost any way,” explains Emma Obayuvana, trainer from the Strong Women Collective.
But as good as it feels to stretch them out, we need to be strengthening the hip flexors and glutes in order to stabilise and protect the joint. “When our hips are strong, we engage the correct muscles through increased quality of movement and avoid overcompensating with our lower back. They also support our pelvis, knees and ankles in our lifts and day to day life,” says Emma.
Here, she shares three moves that will activate, stabilise and strengthen the muscles and joints – we can’t do much about that new resistance band though…
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- Step your feet into a light resistance band so that it sits around the ball of each foot.
- Lift one foot up so that the knee comes up towards the chest, pulling against the resistance band.
- Exhale to lower down to the floor and then drive back up again.
You should feel this move through the glutes and the hips. To make it harder, hoover the foot above the ground at the end of the movement rather than placing it back down.
Do 10 reps on each side and complete three sets.
- Place a slightly heavier resistance band around your knees.
- Lie on your side with your forearm propping your upper body up and your legs stacked on top of each other with your knees bent at a right angle.
- Keeping the feet together, open the top leg as wide as it can, pulling against the resistance band.
- Lower back together slowly.
Do 10 reps on each side and complete three sets.
- Standing up on your feet again, place the heavier resistance band halfway up the calf.
- Hinge at your hips to send your glutes back, keeping your back flat by pulling your belly button in and a slight bend in the knees.
- Take three steps out to one side, pulling against the resistance band with the lead leg.
- Walk back to the other side so the other leg leads the movement for three steps.
Do nine reps on each side and complete three sets.
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