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Continue reading »Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Most symptoms or conditions that develop after mild COVID-19 infection linger for several months but return to normal within a year, finds a large study from Israel published by The BMJ today. In particular, vaccinated people were at lower risk of breathing difficulties—the most common effect to develop after mild infection—than unvaccinated people. These findings suggest […]
Continue reading »Using new microscopic methods in combination with machine learning-based image analysis, researchers from Freiburg have discovered new structures on the surface of living B cells that affect the distribution and possibly the function of their antigen receptors. The researchers' study has been published in The EMBO Journal. B cells are a crucial part of our immune system and recognize pathogens […]
Continue reading »Prostate cancer’s ‘postcode lottery’: Map reveals how a THIRD of men in parts of Britain are only diagnosed once disease has spread Proportion of men diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer varies by region Data suggests men from deprived areas are at highest risk of later diagnosis Nearly 10,000 men in the UK are diagnosed with stage 4 each year […]
Continue reading »Your eyes may reveal more than you think. True Touch Lifestyle/Shutterstock For most of human history if you wanted to know what was going on behind someone’s eyes you had to make your best guess. But since the 1960s scientists have been studying the way eye movements may help decode people’s thoughts. The ability to eavesdrop on the details of […]
Continue reading »In a recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), researchers investigated the putative mechanism(s) of vaccine failure underlying the resurgence of mumps in the United States (US). Study: Disentangling the causes of mumps reemergence in the United States. Image Credit: Kateryna Kon/Shutterstock The sustained mumps re-emergence over the past two decades in countries with […]
Continue reading »A poor diet is one of the main risk factors in cardiovascular disease, the number one killer in Australia and around the world. But one limitation of research into the relationship between what we eat and cardiovascular disease is that links have usually been made based on what a person eats in one day. Nuts were among the food groups […]
Continue reading »Ecuador reported on Tuesday its first case of a human being infected with bird flu, weeks after the globally-spreading disease was detected on poultry farms in the South American country. “The first case of influenza A-H5 (bird flu) was confirmed in a nine-year-old girl in the province of Bolivar,” in the heart of the Andes, the health ministry said in […]
Continue reading »Only about 11% of people will survive five years after the detection of advanced pancreatic cancer. Such a low rate of success in treating pancreatic cancer is due to its late detection and an incomplete understanding of the disease development processes. Scientists are working in multiple directions to understand the events that contribute to pancreatic cancer development. At the University […]
Continue reading »Fluid on the lungs, or pulmonary edema as it's formally known, is a relatively little known hazard associated with open water swimming, warn doctors in the journal BMJ Case Reports after treating a woman with the condition. Older age, prograf level swimming long distances, cold water, and female sex are among the risk factors, as are high blood pressure and […]
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