What I’ve learned as a healthy 24-year-old living in a care home

In Teun Toebes’s small bedroom is a pub-style peanut dispenser, coffee machine, and well-stocked bar. In the wide corridor outside are fake plants and the sound of blaring televisions. It could be any well-appointed student digs, but for the past three years the 24-year-old, who finished his Master’s degree in care ethics a few weeks ago, hasn’t lived instudent accommodation. Instead, […]

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Excessive heat and its impact on mental health

Extreme heat this summer is affecting people across the country—mentally as well as physically. While heat can make anyone irritable, the impact can go beyond that, especially for people with mental health conditions. A Baylor College of Medicine psychiatrist explains how heat affects mental health. Excessive heat causes changes in emotions and behavior that can result in feelings of anger, […]

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For prostate cancer info videos, patients prefer hearing from a physician

Prostate cancer information delivered by video is considered more trustworthy when delivered by a physician versus a patient, according to a study published online July 19 in JAMA Network Open. Stacy Loeb, M.D., from New York University Langone Health in New York City, and colleagues evaluated the association between racial representation in online content about prostate cancer and trust in […]

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Blood disorders, cancers, and more: Living in America's PFAS hotspots

EXCLUSIVE Shocking reality of living in America’s ‘forever chemical’ hotspot: North Carolinians who’ve been struck by a wave of death, cancer and illness fear they’ve been poisoned by chemical plant that’s been dumping toxins into water and air for decades Fayetteville resident and Army vet Mike Watters had PFAS levels in blood 14 times higher than the safety cap  Activist […]

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Study finds how superagers stave off memory loss

Dr Hilary lists the early symptoms of dementia Some aspects of our health and wellbeing as we get older are beyond our control as the risk of many illnesses and conditions increases as we age. But new research has highlighted certain factors that can influence our cognitive health, focusing on a group of people with exceptional memories. As part of […]

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Scientists find that supplementation with a special omega-3 lipid could treat acute kidney injury

Researchers from Singapore have identified a potential dietary supplement that may improve recovery following acute kidney injury (AKI). The finding, published in the Journal of Lipid Research, comes from a long-running research program at Duke-NUS Medical School investigating how cells take up a specialized omega-3 lipid called LPC-DHA. A major public health concern, AKI affects an estimated 13.3 million people […]

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Arming phages with heterologous effectors paves the way for successful UTI treatment

Recently, bacteriocins, synthetic antimicrobial peptides produced by bacteriophages (phages), are being developed as precision antimicrobials. This antimicrobial agent targets specific cell wall hydrolases, such as phage-derived endolysins, for their particular function. A recent Nature Communications study demonstrated how phage can be engineered to produce bacteriocins and cell wall hydrolases as antimicrobial effector genes. Therefore, an engineered phage could be used […]

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