Increased breast cancer risk in obesity linked to fat cell chemicals

Obesity increases the release of tumor-promoting molecules from fat tissue and is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, according to a study published in Endocrine-Related Cancer. The study found that fat tissue from people with obesity released increased amounts of extracellular vesicles (EV’s) enriched in harmful and inflammatory molecules into the blood stream, which can alter breast cancer […]

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Have you ever wondered why people sleepwalk? Here’s the reason

Sleepwalking is one of those things that you may find hard to believe exists unless it actually happens to you. However, the sleep disorder is more common than you think with the Sleep Foundation estimating that sleepwalking affects up to 15 percent of the population.  Medically referred to as somnambulism, Sleep Specialist at the Princess Alexander Hospital Sleep Disorders Centre in […]

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Shadow of coronavirus slowly lifts from epicentre Wuhan

Fans dancing at an electronic music festival, long lines at breakfast stands, gridlocked traffic—the scenes in coronavirus ground zero Wuhan these days would have been unthinkable in January. The central Chinese city’s recovery after a 76-day lockdown was lifted in April has brought life back onto its streets. The queues snaking outside breakfast stands are a far cry from the […]

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Nurse invited grief-stricken grandmother to her house for Christmas

A true festive angel! Nurse invited grief-stricken 81-year-old grandmother to her house for Christmas Day Nicola Peat, 44, invited Angela Coverdale-Robinson to her home on Christmas  Nurse learnt that the pensioner, 81, had missed her last train back home  She had travelled to South Tyneside District Hospital to visit her brother-in-law who died that evening After Angela Coverdale-Robinson missed the last […]

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Artificial intelligence could improve CT screening for COVID-19 diagnosis

Researchers at the University of Notre Dame are developing a new technique using artificial intelligence (AI) that would improve CT screening to more quickly identify patients with the coronavirus. The new technique will reduce the burden on the radiologists tasked with screening each image. Testing challenges have led to an influx of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 requiring CT scans which […]

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Patient experiences in medical imaging and radiation therapy: The importance of skilled patient care professionals

“I went into the MRI bracing for the wave of panic I knew would come as soon as I was strapped down and inside the machine.” In “A Tale of Two MRIs” by patient Lelainia Lloyd, her experiences—good and bad—are shared as part of an upcoming special issue of the Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, published by Elsevier. […]

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